
时间:2021-03-02 00:19:28

When using Rails inside a Docker container several posts, (including one on docker.com) use the following pattern:


  1. In Dockerfile do ADD Gemfile and ADD Gemfile.lock, then RUN bundle install.
  2. 在Dockerfile中执行ADD Gemfile和ADD Gemfile.lock,然后运行RUN bundle install。
  3. Create a new Rails app with docker-compose run web rails new.
  4. 使用docker-compose运行web rails new创建一个新的Rails应用程序。

Since we RUN bundle install to build the image, it seems appropriate to docker-compose build web after updating the Gemfile.


This works insomuch as the gemset will be updated inside the image, but:


The Gemfile.lock on the Docker host will not be updated to reflect the changes to the Gemfile. This is a problem because:


  1. Gemfile.lock should be in your repository, and:


  2. It should be consistent with your current Gemfile.




How can one update the Gemfile.lock on the host, so it may be checked in to version control?


3 个解决方案



Executing the bundle inside run does update the Gemfile.lock on the host:


docker-compose run web bundle

However: You must still also build the image again.




TL;DR - make the changes on the container, run bundle on the container and restart for good measure. Locally these changes will be reflected in your app and are ready to test/push out to git, and your production server will use it to rebuild.

TL; DR - 对容器进行更改,在容器上运行bundle并重新启动以获得良好的度量。本地这些更改将反映在您的应用程序中,并准备测试/推送到git,您的生产服务器将使用它进行重建。

Long; Read:

  1. docker exec -it name_of_app_1 bash

    docker exec -it name_of_app_1 bash

  2. vim Gemfile and put something like gem 'sorcery', '0.9.0' I feel this ensures you get the version you're looking for

    vim Gemfile并添加类似gem'jecery','0.9.0'的东西我​​觉得这可以确保你得到你正在寻找的版本

  3. bundle to get just this version in the current container's Gemfile and Gemfile.lock


This has been semi normal "Rails" type stuff here, just you are doing it on the container that is running. Now you don't have to worry about git and getting these changes onto. your git repo because these changes are all happening on your local copy. So like, open a terminal tab and go into your app and less Gemfile and you should see the changes.

这是半正常的“Rails”类型的东西,只是你在正在运行的容器上这样做。现在你不必担心git并将这些更改发现。你的git repo,因为这些更改都发生在你的本地副本上。所以,打开一个终端选项卡,然后进入你的应用程序,减少Gemfile,你应该看到更改。

  1. Now you can restart your running container. Your Dockerfile will get rebuilt (in my case by docker-compose up locally, tests should pass. Browser test at will.
  2. 现在您可以重新启动正在运行的容器您的Dockerfile将被重建(在我的情况下由docker-compose up在本地,测试应该通过。浏览器测试随意。

Commit your changes to git and use your deploy process to check it out on staging.



Check that Dockerfile like the OP's links say. I'm assuming that you have some kind of bundle or bundle install line in your Dockerfile




Just to be clear, the commands to run are:


docker-compose run web bundle
docker-compose up --build

where web is the name of your Dockerized Rails app.

其中web是Dockerized Rails应用程序的名称。



Executing the bundle inside run does update the Gemfile.lock on the host:


docker-compose run web bundle

However: You must still also build the image again.




TL;DR - make the changes on the container, run bundle on the container and restart for good measure. Locally these changes will be reflected in your app and are ready to test/push out to git, and your production server will use it to rebuild.

TL; DR - 对容器进行更改,在容器上运行bundle并重新启动以获得良好的度量。本地这些更改将反映在您的应用程序中,并准备测试/推送到git,您的生产服务器将使用它进行重建。

Long; Read:

  1. docker exec -it name_of_app_1 bash

    docker exec -it name_of_app_1 bash

  2. vim Gemfile and put something like gem 'sorcery', '0.9.0' I feel this ensures you get the version you're looking for

    vim Gemfile并添加类似gem'jecery','0.9.0'的东西我​​觉得这可以确保你得到你正在寻找的版本

  3. bundle to get just this version in the current container's Gemfile and Gemfile.lock


This has been semi normal "Rails" type stuff here, just you are doing it on the container that is running. Now you don't have to worry about git and getting these changes onto. your git repo because these changes are all happening on your local copy. So like, open a terminal tab and go into your app and less Gemfile and you should see the changes.

这是半正常的“Rails”类型的东西,只是你在正在运行的容器上这样做。现在你不必担心git并将这些更改发现。你的git repo,因为这些更改都发生在你的本地副本上。所以,打开一个终端选项卡,然后进入你的应用程序,减少Gemfile,你应该看到更改。

  1. Now you can restart your running container. Your Dockerfile will get rebuilt (in my case by docker-compose up locally, tests should pass. Browser test at will.
  2. 现在您可以重新启动正在运行的容器您的Dockerfile将被重建(在我的情况下由docker-compose up在本地,测试应该通过。浏览器测试随意。

Commit your changes to git and use your deploy process to check it out on staging.



Check that Dockerfile like the OP's links say. I'm assuming that you have some kind of bundle or bundle install line in your Dockerfile




Just to be clear, the commands to run are:


docker-compose run web bundle
docker-compose up --build

where web is the name of your Dockerized Rails app.

其中web是Dockerized Rails应用程序的名称。