
时间:2022-10-14 00:00:54

I want to integrate angularJs in my existing GWT application. I am new to angularJs. How to start with it?



2 个解决方案



Take a look at


AngularGWT - This is a library that enables Authors to write components or complete apps for AngularJS in Java. This is mostly done using compiler castings for Google Web Toolkit to "compile" Java Code into Javascript.

AngularGWT - 这是一个库,使作者能够在Java中为AngularJS编写组件或完整应用程序。这主要是使用Google Web Toolkit的编译器转换来将Java代码“编译”为Javascript。



AngularGWT is the way to go. But if you want an simple way off, include the angular.js in your *.html file and use JSNI to access Angular JS from your code.

AngularGWT是要走的路。但是如果你想要一个简单的方法,请在你的* .html文件中包含angular.js,并使用JSNI从你的代码中访问Angular JS。



Take a look at


AngularGWT - This is a library that enables Authors to write components or complete apps for AngularJS in Java. This is mostly done using compiler castings for Google Web Toolkit to "compile" Java Code into Javascript.

AngularGWT - 这是一个库,使作者能够在Java中为AngularJS编写组件或完整应用程序。这主要是使用Google Web Toolkit的编译器转换来将Java代码“编译”为Javascript。



AngularGWT is the way to go. But if you want an simple way off, include the angular.js in your *.html file and use JSNI to access Angular JS from your code.

AngularGWT是要走的路。但是如果你想要一个简单的方法,请在你的* .html文件中包含angular.js,并使用JSNI从你的代码中访问Angular JS。