
时间:2023-02-06 22:01:16

I have an executable that depending on the command line switch supplied looks something like:


Program.cs -

namespace DiskSpaceReporting
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if(args.Length == 1)
                    case "-summarytotals":

                    case "-detailed":
                    //...other reporting types



namespace DiskSpaceReporting
    public class SummaryDiskSpaceReporter
        private static IEventIDLog log = EventIDLogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

        public static void Run()
            log.Info(1234, "Starting");
            //...do work
            string message = Helpers.CreateMessage(messageID);
            //...do work


namespace DiskSpaceReporting
    public class DetailedDiskSpaceReporter
        private static IEventIDLog log = EventIDLogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

        public static void Run()
            log.Info(1234, "Starting");
            //...do work
            string message = Helpers.CreateMessage(messageID);
            //...do work


namespace DiskSpaceReporting
    public class Helpers
        private static IEventIDLog log = ???            
        public static string CreateMessage(Guid messageID)
            log.Info(9876, "Starting");
            //...do work

In my log4net config I have two separate loggers, one for each of the SummaryDiskSpaceReporter and DetailedDiskSpaceReporter because their logging requirements are different:


    <level value="ALL" />
    <appender-ref ref="ConsoleLogAppender" />
    <appender-ref ref="EventLogAppender" />

<logger name="DiskSpaceReporting.SummaryDiskSpaceReporter">
    <appender-ref ref="SummaryDiskSpaceReporterRollingFileAppender"/>

<logger name="DiskSpaceReporting.DetailedDiskSpaceReporter">
    <appender-ref ref="DetailedDiskSpaceReporterRollingFileAppender"/>

Both SummaryDiskSpaceReporter and DetailedDiskSpaceReporter call a helper method in a class called Helpers. I want to put some logging into the helper class methods.


So...the question is, how do I get the Helpers.CreateMessage() method to use the same logger as its caller?



SummaryDiskSpaceReporter.Run() -> use DiskSpaceReporting.SummaryDiskSpaceReporter logger DetailedDiskSpaceReporter.Run() -> use DiskSpaceReporting.DetailedDiskSpaceReporter logger.

SummaryDiskSpaceReporter.Run() - >使用DiskSpaceReporting.SummaryDiskSpaceReporter记录器DetailedDiskSpaceReporter.Run() - >使用DiskSpaceReporting.DetailedDiskSpaceReporter记录器。

Cheers Kev

1 个解决方案



I have been playing with this question for quite some time and unfortunately have to give up for a while and return to doing "real" work. For the moment what I have come up with is as follows:


Options 1: Pass the logger in

This is not a great option, but should work fine if you do not mind coupling your helper to a logger. Simply allow your CreateMessage method to take a IEventIDLog. You can then use this to log to the correct passed in logger.


public static string CreateMessage(Guid messageID, IEventIDLog log)
    log.Info(9876, "Starting");
    //...do work

Not exactly shiny, but it should work!


Options 2: Use the call stack

Make use of the call stack to find the calling code and from this find the type and get the logger you want from that type


public static string CreateMessage(Guid messageID)
    StackFrame frame = new StackTrace().GetFrame(1);
    IEventIDLog log = EventIDLogManager.GetLogger(frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType);
    log.Info(9876, "Starting");
    //...do work

Still not shiny since we need to touch the call stack and what happens if the calling code does not have a logger.


Option 3: use log4net

This is the option we want to use, hell it is what the question wants as its answer, but I have not yet worked it out yet. :) Looking through log4net we find cool things like the Hierarchy class that allows us to get the root logger.

选项3:使用log4net这是我们想要使用的选项,问题就是它的答案,但我尚未解决它。 :)通过log4net,我们发现很酷的东西,比如Hierarchy类,它允许我们获取根记录器。

Logger logger1 = ((log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy) log4net.LogManager.GetRepository()).Root;

So I am sure there is a way to get the logger one level up from CreateMessage method, now just to find it. :)

所以我确信有一种方法可以将记录器从CreateMessage方法中提升一级,现在只是为了找到它。 :)



I have been playing with this question for quite some time and unfortunately have to give up for a while and return to doing "real" work. For the moment what I have come up with is as follows:


Options 1: Pass the logger in

This is not a great option, but should work fine if you do not mind coupling your helper to a logger. Simply allow your CreateMessage method to take a IEventIDLog. You can then use this to log to the correct passed in logger.


public static string CreateMessage(Guid messageID, IEventIDLog log)
    log.Info(9876, "Starting");
    //...do work

Not exactly shiny, but it should work!


Options 2: Use the call stack

Make use of the call stack to find the calling code and from this find the type and get the logger you want from that type


public static string CreateMessage(Guid messageID)
    StackFrame frame = new StackTrace().GetFrame(1);
    IEventIDLog log = EventIDLogManager.GetLogger(frame.GetMethod().DeclaringType);
    log.Info(9876, "Starting");
    //...do work

Still not shiny since we need to touch the call stack and what happens if the calling code does not have a logger.


Option 3: use log4net

This is the option we want to use, hell it is what the question wants as its answer, but I have not yet worked it out yet. :) Looking through log4net we find cool things like the Hierarchy class that allows us to get the root logger.

选项3:使用log4net这是我们想要使用的选项,问题就是它的答案,但我尚未解决它。 :)通过log4net,我们发现很酷的东西,比如Hierarchy类,它允许我们获取根记录器。

Logger logger1 = ((log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.Hierarchy) log4net.LogManager.GetRepository()).Root;

So I am sure there is a way to get the logger one level up from CreateMessage method, now just to find it. :)

所以我确信有一种方法可以将记录器从CreateMessage方法中提升一级,现在只是为了找到它。 :)