
时间:2022-05-02 22:50:03

I'm currently building a music based website and I want to build something like this template. It uses ajax and deep linking. (And it makes use of the History.js library - please notice how there's no '#' in the URLs.)

我目前正在建立一个基于音乐的网站,我想构建类似这个模板的东西。它使用ajax和深层链接。 (并且它使用了History.js库 - 请注意URL中没有'#'。)

The reason I want to use these 'ajaxy' methods (or maybe use the template altogether) is so that when music is playing, it will remain un-interrupted as the user navigates the site.


My worry is that my site wont be crawlable by Google but I think I can modify code in the page source to fix that. If I look at the source code to the template, in the head I see


<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content="">
<meta name="keywords" content="">

Now if I add this to the head:


<meta name="fragment" content="!">

will that make the site crawlable? Is there other code I need to add on top of this? Or is it just not possible for this template?


I'm following this guide https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started, and I'm on step 3. I will of course have to complete the other steps but I don't know I'm heading in the right direction, or heading towards a dead end!


Any help would be very much appreciated. Many thanks in advance.


1 个解决方案



From what you said it sounds like your site updates the address bar with clean urls as you navigate via ajax. That's good. The next thing is you want to do is make sure those urls work. If you directly go to a url do you see the specific content it represents. And would a crawler also see the correct content without running javascript. Progressive enhancement works well for that. The final thing is you want to do is make sure bots can pick up those urls. I've not played with the meta tag for ! But it looks like it is only for the home page and you still need to implement the escaped fragment page. Maybe it does support other pages but the article does not cover that.




From what you said it sounds like your site updates the address bar with clean urls as you navigate via ajax. That's good. The next thing is you want to do is make sure those urls work. If you directly go to a url do you see the specific content it represents. And would a crawler also see the correct content without running javascript. Progressive enhancement works well for that. The final thing is you want to do is make sure bots can pick up those urls. I've not played with the meta tag for ! But it looks like it is only for the home page and you still need to implement the escaped fragment page. Maybe it does support other pages but the article does not cover that.
