
时间:2021-07-29 21:44:10

In a Unix shell, if I want to combine stderr and stdout into the stdout stream for further manipulation, I can append the following on the end of my command:

在Unix shell中,如果我想将stderr和stdout合并到stdout流中进行进一步的操作,我可以在命令的末尾追加以下内容:


So, if I want to use head on the output from g++, I can do something like this:


g++ lots_of_errors 2>&1 | head

so I can see only the first few errors.


I always have trouble remembering this, and I constantly have to go look it up, and it is mainly because I don't fully understand the syntax of this particular trick.


Can someone break this up and explain character by character what 2>&1 means?


15 个解决方案



File descriptor 1 is the standard output (stdout).
File descriptor 2 is the standard error (stderr).


Here is one way to remember this construct (although it is not entirely accurate): at first, 2>1 may look like a good way to redirect stderr to stdout. However, it will actually be interpreted as "redirect stderr to a file named 1". & indicates that what follows is a file descriptor and not a filename. So the construct becomes: 2>&1.




echo test > afile.txt

..redirects stdout to afile.txt. This is the same as doing..

. .afile.txt重定向标准输出。这跟做一样。

echo test 1> afile.txt

To redirect stderr, you do..


echo test 2> afile.txt

>& is the syntax to redirect a stream to another file descriptor - 0 is stdin. 1 is stdout. 2 is stderr.


You can redirect stdout to stderr by doing..


echo test 1>&2 # or echo test >&2

..or vice versa:

. .反之亦然:

echo test 2>&1

So, in short.. 2> redirects stderr to an (unspecified) file, appending &1 redirects stderr to stdout

所以,简而言之. .>将stderr重定向到一个(未指定的)文件,appending &1将stderr重定向到stdout。



Some tricks about redirection

Some syntax particularity about this may have important behaviours. There is some little samples about redirections, STDERR, STDOUT and arguments ordering.


1 - Overwritting or appending?

Symbole > mean redirection.


  • > mean send to as a whole completed file, overwriting target if exist (see noclobber bash feature at #3 later).
  • >的意思是发送到一个完整的文件,如果存在的话覆盖目标(参见第3条的noclobber bash特性)。
  • >> mean send in addition to would append to target if exist.
  • >>的意思是,如果存在的话,将附加到目标。

Any case, the file would be created if they not exist.


2 - The shell command line is order dependant!!

For testing this, we need a simple command which will send something on both outputs:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 11:49 /tmp

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>/dev/null
drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 11:49 /tmp

(Expecting you don't have a directory named /tnt, of course ;). Well, we have it!!

(当然,希望您没有一个名为/tnt的目录;)嗯,我们有它! !

So lets see:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null 2>&1

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 >/dev/null
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

The last command line dump STDERR to the console, it seem not to be the expected behaviour... But...


If you want to make some post filtering about one ouput, the other or both:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
<-- drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:02 /tmp --->

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
<-- ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory --->
<-- drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:02 /tmp --->

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null 2>&1 | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
<-- ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory --->

Notice that the last command line in this paragraph is exactly same as in previous paraghaph, where I wrote seem not to be the expected behaviour (so, this could even be an expected behaviour).


Well there is a little tricks about redirections, for doing different operation on both ouputs:


$ ( ls -ld /tmp /tnt | sed 's/^/O: /' >&9 ) 9>&2  2>&1  | sed 's/^/E: /'
O: drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:13 /tmp
E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

Nota: &9 descriptor would occur spontaneously because of ) 9>&2.


Addendum: nota! With new version of (>4.0) there is a new feature and more sexy syntax for doing this kind of things:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2> >(sed 's/^/E: /') > >(sed 's/^/O: /')
O: drwxrwxrwt 17 root root 28672 Nov  5 23:00 /tmp
E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

And finaly for such a cascading output formatting:


$ ((ls -ld /tmp /tnt |sed 's/^/O: /' >&9 ) 2>&1 |sed 's/^/E: /') 9>&1| cat -n
     1  O: drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:29 /tmp
     2  E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

Addendum: nota! Same new syntax, in both ways:


$ cat -n <(ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2> >(sed 's/^/E: /') > >(sed 's/^/O: /'))
     1  O: drwxrwxrwt 17 root root 28672 Nov  5 23:00 /tmp
     2  E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

Where STDOUT go through a specific filter, STDERR to another and finally both outputs merged go through a third command filter.


3 - A word about noclobber option and >| syntax

That's about overwritting:


While set -o noclobber instruct bash to not overwrite any existing file, the >| syntax let you pass through this limitation:

当set -o noclobber指示bash不要覆盖任何现有文件时,>|语法允许您通过这个限制:

$ testfile=$(mktemp /tmp/testNoClobberDate-XXXXXX)

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:15 CET 2013

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:19 CET 2013

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:21 CET 2013

File is overwritted each time, well now:


$ set -o noclobber

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
bash: /tmp/testNoClobberDate-WW1xi9: cannot overwrite existing file
Mon Jan  7 13:18:21 CET 2013

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
bash: /tmp/testNoClobberDate-WW1xi9: cannot overwrite existing file
Mon Jan  7 13:18:21 CET 2013

Pass through with >|:

通过与> |:

$ date >| $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:58 CET 2013

$ date >| $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:19:01 CET 2013

Unsetting this option and/or inquiring if already set.


$ set -o | grep noclobber
noclobber           on

$ set +o noclobber

$ set -o | grep noclobber
noclobber           off

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:24:27 CET 2013

$ rm $testfile

4 - Last trick and more...

For redirecting both output from a given command, we see that a right syntax could be:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null 2>&1

for this special case, there is a shortcut syntax: &> ... or >&

对于这个特殊情况,有一个快捷语法:&>…或> &

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt &>/dev/null 

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >&/dev/null 

Nota: if 2>&1 exist, 1>&2 is a correct syntaxe too:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>/dev/null 1>&2

4b- Now, I will let you think about:

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 1>&2  | sed -e s/^/++/
++/bin/ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
++drwxrwxrwt 193 root root 196608 Feb  9 11:08 /tmp/

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 1>&2 2>&1  | sed -e s/^/++/
/bin/ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
drwxrwxrwt 193 root root 196608 Feb  9 11:08 /tmp/

4c- If you're interested in more informations

you could Read The Fine Manual by hitting:


man -Len -Pless\ +/^REDIRECTION bash

in a console ;-)




The numbers refer to the file descriptors (fd).


  • Zero is stdin
  • 0是stdin
  • One is stdout
  • 一个是stdout
  • Two is stderr
  • 二是stderr

2>&1 redirects fd 2 to 1.


This works for any number of file descriptors if the program uses them.


You can look at /usr/include/unistd.h if you forget them:


/* Standard file descriptors.  */
#define STDIN_FILENO    0   /* Standard input.  */
#define STDOUT_FILENO   1   /* Standard output.  */
#define STDERR_FILENO   2   /* Standard error output.  */

That said I have written C tools that use non-standard file descriptors for custom logging so you don't see it unless you redirect it to a file or something.




That construct sends the standard error stream (stderr) to the current location of standard output (stdout) - this currency issue appears to have been neglected by the other answers.


You can redirect any output handle to another by using this method but it's most often used to channel stdout and stderr streams into a single stream for processing.


Some examples are:


# Look for ERROR string in both stdout and stderr.
foo 2>&1 | grep ERROR

# Run the less pager without stderr screwing up the output.
foo 2>&1 | less

# Send stdout/err to file (with append) and terminal.
foo 2>&1 |tee /dev/tty >>outfile

# Send stderr to normal location and stdout to file.
foo >outfile1 2>&1 >outfile2

Note that that last one will not direct stderr to outfile2 - it redirects it to what stdout was when the argument was encountered (outfile1) and then redirects stdout to outfile2.


This allows some pretty sophisticated trickery.




I found this brilliant post on redirection : All about redirections


Redirect both standard output and standard error to a file


$ command &>file


This one-liner uses the &> operator to redirect both output streams - stdout and stderr - from command to file. This is bash's shortcut for quickly redirecting both streams to the same destination.


Here is how the file descriptor table looks like after bash has redirected both streams: 在shell中,“2>&1”是什么意思?


As you can see both stdout and stderr now point to file. So anything written to stdout and stderr gets written to file.


There are several ways to redirect both streams to the same destination. You can redirect each stream one after another:


$ command >file 2>&1

命令>文件2 > & 1美元

This is a much more common way to redirect both streams to a file. First stdout is redirected to file, and then stderr is duplicated to be the same as stdout. So both streams end up pointing to file.


When bash sees several redirections it processes them from left to right. Let's go through the steps and see how that happens. Before running any commands bash's file descriptor table looks like this:



Now bash processes the first redirection >file. We've seen this before and it makes stdout point to file:



Next bash sees the second redirection 2>&1. We haven't seen this redirection before. This one duplicates file descriptor 2 to be a copy of file descriptor 1 and we get:



Both streams have been redirected to file.


However be careful here! Writing:


command >file 2>&1

2 > & 1命令>文件

Is not the same as writing:


$ command 2>&1 >file

$命令2 > & 1 >文件

The order of redirects matters in bash! This command redirects only the standard output to the file. The stderr will still print to the terminal. To understand why that happens, let's go through the steps again. So before running the command the file descriptor table looks like this:



Now bash processes redirections left to right. It first sees 2>&1 so it duplicates stderr to stdout. The file descriptor table becomes:



Now bash sees the second redirect >file and it redirects stdout to file:



Do you see what happens here? Stdout now points to file but the stderr still points to the terminal! Everything that gets written to stderr still gets printed out to the screen! So be very, very careful with the order of redirects!


Also note that in bash, writing this:


$ command &>file


Is exactly the same as:


$ command >&file




2>&1 is a POSIX shell construct. Here is a breakdown, token by token:

>&1是一个POSIX shell构造。这里是一个细分,令牌:

2: "Standard error" output file descriptor.


>&: Duplicate an Output File Descriptor operator (a variant of Output Redirection operator >). Given [x]>&[y], the file descriptor denoted by x is made to be a copy of the output file descriptor y.


1 "Standard output" output file descriptor.


The expression 2>&1 copies file descriptor 1 to location 2, so any output written to 2 ("standard error") in the execution environment goes to the same file originally described by 1 ("standard output").


Further explanation:


File Descriptor: "A per-process unique, non-negative integer used to identify an open file for the purpose of file access."


Standard output/error: Refer to the following note in the Redirection section of the shell documentation:


Open files are represented by decimal numbers starting with zero. The largest possible value is implementation-defined; however, all implementations shall support at least 0 to 9, inclusive, for use by the application. These numbers are called "file descriptors". The values 0, 1, and 2 have special meaning and conventional uses and are implied by certain redirection operations; they are referred to as standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively. Programs usually take their input from standard input, and write output on standard output. Error messages are usually written on standard error. The redirection operators can be preceded by one or more digits (with no intervening characters allowed) to designate the file descriptor number.




To answer your question: It takes any error output (normally sent to stderr) and writes it to standard output (stdout).


This is helpful with, for example 'more' when you need paging for all output. Some programs like printing usage information into stderr.


To help you remember


  • 1 = standard output (where programs print normal output)
  • 1 =标准输出(程序输出正常输出)
  • 2 = standard error (where programs print errors)
  • 2 =标准错误(程序打印错误)

"2>&1" simply points everything sent to stderr, to stdout instead.


I also recommend reading this post on error redirecting where this subject is covered in full detail.




2 is the Console standard error.


1 is the Console standard output.


This is the standard Unix, Windows also follows the POSIX. E.g. when you run

这是标准的Unix, Windows也遵循POSIX。例如,当您运行

perl test.pl 2>&1

The standard error is redirected to standard output, so you can see both outputs together.


perl test.pl > debug.log 2>&1

After execution, you can see all the output, including errors, in the debug.log.


perl test.pl 1>out.log 2>err.log

Then standard output goes to out.log, and standard error to err.log.

然后输出标准输出。日志,以及error .log的标准错误。

I suggest you to try to understand these.




From a programmer's point of view, it means precisely this:


dup2(1, 2);

See the man page.


Understanding that 2>&1 is a copy also explains why ...


command >file 2>&1

... is not the same as ...


command 2>&1 >file

The first will send both streams to file, whereas the second will send errors to stdout, and ordinary output into file.




People, always remember paxdiablo's hint about the current location of the redirection target... It is important.


My personal mnemonic for the 2>&1 operator is this:


  • Think of & as meaning 'and' or 'add' (the character is an ampers-and, isn't it?)
  • 你可以把它看成是“and”或“add”(字符是一个符号,不是吗?)
  • So it becomes: 'redirect 2 (stderr) to where 1 (stdout) already/currently is and add both streams'.
  • 所以它变成:'重定向2 (stderr)到1 (stdout)已经/当前的位置,并添加两条流。

The same mnemonic works for the other frequently used redirection too, 1>&2:


  • Think of & meaning and or add... (you get the idea about the ampersand, yes?)
  • 思考&意义,或添加…(你有关于&的想法,对吧?)
  • So it becomes: 'redirect 1 (stdout) to where 2 (stderr) already/currently is and add both streams'.
  • 所以它变成:'重定向1 (stdout)到2 (stderr)已经/当前的位置,并添加两个流。

And always remember: you have to read chains of redirections 'from the end', from right to left (not from left to right).




This is just like paasing the error to the stdout or terminal . i.e . cmd is not a command $cmd 2>filename cat filename command not found

这就像将错误传递给stdout或终端。我。e。cmd不是一个命令$cmd 2>文件名猫文件名命令没有找到。

The error sent to the file like that 2>&1 error sent to the terminal




Provided that /foo does not exist on your system and /tmp does…


$ ls -l /tmp /foo

will print the contents of /tmp and print an error message for /foo


$ ls -l /tmp /foo > /dev/null

will send the contents of /tmp to /dev/null and print an error message for /foo

将/tmp的内容发送到/dev/null,并打印错误消息给/foo ?

$ ls -l /tmp /foo 1> /dev/null

will do exactly the same (note the 1)


$ ls -l /tmp /foo 2> /dev/null

will print the contents of /tmp and send the error message to /dev/null

打印/tmp的内容并将错误消息发送到/dev/null ?

$ ls -l /tmp /foo 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

will send both the listing as well as the error message to /dev/null

将清单和错误消息发送到/dev/null ?

$ ls -l /tmp /foo > /dev/null 2> &1

is shorthand




Redirecting Input

Redirection of input causes the file whose name results from the expansion of word to be opened for reading on file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified.


The general format for redirecting input is:



Redirecting Output

Redirection of output causes the file whose name results from the expansion of word to be opened for writing on file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not specified. If the file does not exist it is created; if it does exist it is truncated to zero size.


The general format for redirecting output is:



Moving File Descriptors

Moving File Descriptors The redirection operator



moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified. digit is closed after being duplicated to n.


Similarly, the redirection operator



moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not specified.



man bash
type /^REDIRECT to locate to the redirection section , learn more..

男人bash类型/ ^定向定位定向部分,学习更多. .

a online version here:



lots of time, man was the powerful tool to learn linux




0 for input, 1 for stdout and 2 for stderr.


One Tip: somecmd >1.txt 2>&1 is correct, while somecmd 2>&1 >1.txt is totally wrong with no effect!

一个提示:somecmd > 1。txt >&1是正确的,而somecmd 2>&1 >1。txt是完全错误的,没有效果!



File descriptor 1 is the standard output (stdout).
File descriptor 2 is the standard error (stderr).


Here is one way to remember this construct (although it is not entirely accurate): at first, 2>1 may look like a good way to redirect stderr to stdout. However, it will actually be interpreted as "redirect stderr to a file named 1". & indicates that what follows is a file descriptor and not a filename. So the construct becomes: 2>&1.




echo test > afile.txt

..redirects stdout to afile.txt. This is the same as doing..

. .afile.txt重定向标准输出。这跟做一样。

echo test 1> afile.txt

To redirect stderr, you do..


echo test 2> afile.txt

>& is the syntax to redirect a stream to another file descriptor - 0 is stdin. 1 is stdout. 2 is stderr.


You can redirect stdout to stderr by doing..


echo test 1>&2 # or echo test >&2

..or vice versa:

. .反之亦然:

echo test 2>&1

So, in short.. 2> redirects stderr to an (unspecified) file, appending &1 redirects stderr to stdout

所以,简而言之. .>将stderr重定向到一个(未指定的)文件,appending &1将stderr重定向到stdout。



Some tricks about redirection

Some syntax particularity about this may have important behaviours. There is some little samples about redirections, STDERR, STDOUT and arguments ordering.


1 - Overwritting or appending?

Symbole > mean redirection.


  • > mean send to as a whole completed file, overwriting target if exist (see noclobber bash feature at #3 later).
  • >的意思是发送到一个完整的文件,如果存在的话覆盖目标(参见第3条的noclobber bash特性)。
  • >> mean send in addition to would append to target if exist.
  • >>的意思是,如果存在的话,将附加到目标。

Any case, the file would be created if they not exist.


2 - The shell command line is order dependant!!

For testing this, we need a simple command which will send something on both outputs:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 11:49 /tmp

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>/dev/null
drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 11:49 /tmp

(Expecting you don't have a directory named /tnt, of course ;). Well, we have it!!

(当然,希望您没有一个名为/tnt的目录;)嗯,我们有它! !

So lets see:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null 2>&1

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 >/dev/null
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

The last command line dump STDERR to the console, it seem not to be the expected behaviour... But...


If you want to make some post filtering about one ouput, the other or both:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
<-- drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:02 /tmp --->

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
<-- ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory --->
<-- drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:02 /tmp --->

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null 2>&1 | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed 's/^.*$/<-- & --->/'
<-- ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory --->

Notice that the last command line in this paragraph is exactly same as in previous paraghaph, where I wrote seem not to be the expected behaviour (so, this could even be an expected behaviour).


Well there is a little tricks about redirections, for doing different operation on both ouputs:


$ ( ls -ld /tmp /tnt | sed 's/^/O: /' >&9 ) 9>&2  2>&1  | sed 's/^/E: /'
O: drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:13 /tmp
E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

Nota: &9 descriptor would occur spontaneously because of ) 9>&2.


Addendum: nota! With new version of (>4.0) there is a new feature and more sexy syntax for doing this kind of things:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2> >(sed 's/^/E: /') > >(sed 's/^/O: /')
O: drwxrwxrwt 17 root root 28672 Nov  5 23:00 /tmp
E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

And finaly for such a cascading output formatting:


$ ((ls -ld /tmp /tnt |sed 's/^/O: /' >&9 ) 2>&1 |sed 's/^/E: /') 9>&1| cat -n
     1  O: drwxrwxrwt 118 root root 196608 Jan  7 12:29 /tmp
     2  E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

Addendum: nota! Same new syntax, in both ways:


$ cat -n <(ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2> >(sed 's/^/E: /') > >(sed 's/^/O: /'))
     1  O: drwxrwxrwt 17 root root 28672 Nov  5 23:00 /tmp
     2  E: ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory

Where STDOUT go through a specific filter, STDERR to another and finally both outputs merged go through a third command filter.


3 - A word about noclobber option and >| syntax

That's about overwritting:


While set -o noclobber instruct bash to not overwrite any existing file, the >| syntax let you pass through this limitation:

当set -o noclobber指示bash不要覆盖任何现有文件时,>|语法允许您通过这个限制:

$ testfile=$(mktemp /tmp/testNoClobberDate-XXXXXX)

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:15 CET 2013

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:19 CET 2013

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:21 CET 2013

File is overwritted each time, well now:


$ set -o noclobber

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
bash: /tmp/testNoClobberDate-WW1xi9: cannot overwrite existing file
Mon Jan  7 13:18:21 CET 2013

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
bash: /tmp/testNoClobberDate-WW1xi9: cannot overwrite existing file
Mon Jan  7 13:18:21 CET 2013

Pass through with >|:

通过与> |:

$ date >| $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:18:58 CET 2013

$ date >| $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:19:01 CET 2013

Unsetting this option and/or inquiring if already set.


$ set -o | grep noclobber
noclobber           on

$ set +o noclobber

$ set -o | grep noclobber
noclobber           off

$ date > $testfile ; cat $testfile
Mon Jan  7 13:24:27 CET 2013

$ rm $testfile

4 - Last trick and more...

For redirecting both output from a given command, we see that a right syntax could be:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >/dev/null 2>&1

for this special case, there is a shortcut syntax: &> ... or >&

对于这个特殊情况,有一个快捷语法:&>…或> &

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt &>/dev/null 

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt >&/dev/null 

Nota: if 2>&1 exist, 1>&2 is a correct syntaxe too:


$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>/dev/null 1>&2

4b- Now, I will let you think about:

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 2>&1 1>&2  | sed -e s/^/++/
++/bin/ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
++drwxrwxrwt 193 root root 196608 Feb  9 11:08 /tmp/

$ ls -ld /tmp /tnt 1>&2 2>&1  | sed -e s/^/++/
/bin/ls: cannot access /tnt: No such file or directory
drwxrwxrwt 193 root root 196608 Feb  9 11:08 /tmp/

4c- If you're interested in more informations

you could Read The Fine Manual by hitting:


man -Len -Pless\ +/^REDIRECTION bash

in a console ;-)




The numbers refer to the file descriptors (fd).


  • Zero is stdin
  • 0是stdin
  • One is stdout
  • 一个是stdout
  • Two is stderr
  • 二是stderr

2>&1 redirects fd 2 to 1.


This works for any number of file descriptors if the program uses them.


You can look at /usr/include/unistd.h if you forget them:


/* Standard file descriptors.  */
#define STDIN_FILENO    0   /* Standard input.  */
#define STDOUT_FILENO   1   /* Standard output.  */
#define STDERR_FILENO   2   /* Standard error output.  */

That said I have written C tools that use non-standard file descriptors for custom logging so you don't see it unless you redirect it to a file or something.




That construct sends the standard error stream (stderr) to the current location of standard output (stdout) - this currency issue appears to have been neglected by the other answers.


You can redirect any output handle to another by using this method but it's most often used to channel stdout and stderr streams into a single stream for processing.


Some examples are:


# Look for ERROR string in both stdout and stderr.
foo 2>&1 | grep ERROR

# Run the less pager without stderr screwing up the output.
foo 2>&1 | less

# Send stdout/err to file (with append) and terminal.
foo 2>&1 |tee /dev/tty >>outfile

# Send stderr to normal location and stdout to file.
foo >outfile1 2>&1 >outfile2

Note that that last one will not direct stderr to outfile2 - it redirects it to what stdout was when the argument was encountered (outfile1) and then redirects stdout to outfile2.


This allows some pretty sophisticated trickery.




I found this brilliant post on redirection : All about redirections


Redirect both standard output and standard error to a file


$ command &>file


This one-liner uses the &> operator to redirect both output streams - stdout and stderr - from command to file. This is bash's shortcut for quickly redirecting both streams to the same destination.


Here is how the file descriptor table looks like after bash has redirected both streams: 在shell中,“2>&1”是什么意思?


As you can see both stdout and stderr now point to file. So anything written to stdout and stderr gets written to file.


There are several ways to redirect both streams to the same destination. You can redirect each stream one after another:


$ command >file 2>&1

命令>文件2 > & 1美元

This is a much more common way to redirect both streams to a file. First stdout is redirected to file, and then stderr is duplicated to be the same as stdout. So both streams end up pointing to file.


When bash sees several redirections it processes them from left to right. Let's go through the steps and see how that happens. Before running any commands bash's file descriptor table looks like this:



Now bash processes the first redirection >file. We've seen this before and it makes stdout point to file:



Next bash sees the second redirection 2>&1. We haven't seen this redirection before. This one duplicates file descriptor 2 to be a copy of file descriptor 1 and we get:



Both streams have been redirected to file.


However be careful here! Writing:


command >file 2>&1

2 > & 1命令>文件

Is not the same as writing:


$ command 2>&1 >file

$命令2 > & 1 >文件

The order of redirects matters in bash! This command redirects only the standard output to the file. The stderr will still print to the terminal. To understand why that happens, let's go through the steps again. So before running the command the file descriptor table looks like this:



Now bash processes redirections left to right. It first sees 2>&1 so it duplicates stderr to stdout. The file descriptor table becomes:



Now bash sees the second redirect >file and it redirects stdout to file:



Do you see what happens here? Stdout now points to file but the stderr still points to the terminal! Everything that gets written to stderr still gets printed out to the screen! So be very, very careful with the order of redirects!


Also note that in bash, writing this:


$ command &>file


Is exactly the same as:


$ command >&file




2>&1 is a POSIX shell construct. Here is a breakdown, token by token:

>&1是一个POSIX shell构造。这里是一个细分,令牌:

2: "Standard error" output file descriptor.


>&: Duplicate an Output File Descriptor operator (a variant of Output Redirection operator >). Given [x]>&[y], the file descriptor denoted by x is made to be a copy of the output file descriptor y.


1 "Standard output" output file descriptor.


The expression 2>&1 copies file descriptor 1 to location 2, so any output written to 2 ("standard error") in the execution environment goes to the same file originally described by 1 ("standard output").


Further explanation:


File Descriptor: "A per-process unique, non-negative integer used to identify an open file for the purpose of file access."


Standard output/error: Refer to the following note in the Redirection section of the shell documentation:


Open files are represented by decimal numbers starting with zero. The largest possible value is implementation-defined; however, all implementations shall support at least 0 to 9, inclusive, for use by the application. These numbers are called "file descriptors". The values 0, 1, and 2 have special meaning and conventional uses and are implied by certain redirection operations; they are referred to as standard input, standard output, and standard error, respectively. Programs usually take their input from standard input, and write output on standard output. Error messages are usually written on standard error. The redirection operators can be preceded by one or more digits (with no intervening characters allowed) to designate the file descriptor number.




To answer your question: It takes any error output (normally sent to stderr) and writes it to standard output (stdout).


This is helpful with, for example 'more' when you need paging for all output. Some programs like printing usage information into stderr.


To help you remember


  • 1 = standard output (where programs print normal output)
  • 1 =标准输出(程序输出正常输出)
  • 2 = standard error (where programs print errors)
  • 2 =标准错误(程序打印错误)

"2>&1" simply points everything sent to stderr, to stdout instead.


I also recommend reading this post on error redirecting where this subject is covered in full detail.




2 is the Console standard error.


1 is the Console standard output.


This is the standard Unix, Windows also follows the POSIX. E.g. when you run

这是标准的Unix, Windows也遵循POSIX。例如,当您运行

perl test.pl 2>&1

The standard error is redirected to standard output, so you can see both outputs together.


perl test.pl > debug.log 2>&1

After execution, you can see all the output, including errors, in the debug.log.


perl test.pl 1>out.log 2>err.log

Then standard output goes to out.log, and standard error to err.log.

然后输出标准输出。日志,以及error .log的标准错误。

I suggest you to try to understand these.




From a programmer's point of view, it means precisely this:


dup2(1, 2);

See the man page.


Understanding that 2>&1 is a copy also explains why ...


command >file 2>&1

... is not the same as ...


command 2>&1 >file

The first will send both streams to file, whereas the second will send errors to stdout, and ordinary output into file.




People, always remember paxdiablo's hint about the current location of the redirection target... It is important.


My personal mnemonic for the 2>&1 operator is this:


  • Think of & as meaning 'and' or 'add' (the character is an ampers-and, isn't it?)
  • 你可以把它看成是“and”或“add”(字符是一个符号,不是吗?)
  • So it becomes: 'redirect 2 (stderr) to where 1 (stdout) already/currently is and add both streams'.
  • 所以它变成:'重定向2 (stderr)到1 (stdout)已经/当前的位置,并添加两条流。

The same mnemonic works for the other frequently used redirection too, 1>&2:


  • Think of & meaning and or add... (you get the idea about the ampersand, yes?)
  • 思考&意义,或添加…(你有关于&的想法,对吧?)
  • So it becomes: 'redirect 1 (stdout) to where 2 (stderr) already/currently is and add both streams'.
  • 所以它变成:'重定向1 (stdout)到2 (stderr)已经/当前的位置,并添加两个流。

And always remember: you have to read chains of redirections 'from the end', from right to left (not from left to right).




This is just like paasing the error to the stdout or terminal . i.e . cmd is not a command $cmd 2>filename cat filename command not found

这就像将错误传递给stdout或终端。我。e。cmd不是一个命令$cmd 2>文件名猫文件名命令没有找到。

The error sent to the file like that 2>&1 error sent to the terminal




Provided that /foo does not exist on your system and /tmp does…


$ ls -l /tmp /foo

will print the contents of /tmp and print an error message for /foo


$ ls -l /tmp /foo > /dev/null

will send the contents of /tmp to /dev/null and print an error message for /foo

将/tmp的内容发送到/dev/null,并打印错误消息给/foo ?

$ ls -l /tmp /foo 1> /dev/null

will do exactly the same (note the 1)


$ ls -l /tmp /foo 2> /dev/null

will print the contents of /tmp and send the error message to /dev/null

打印/tmp的内容并将错误消息发送到/dev/null ?

$ ls -l /tmp /foo 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

will send both the listing as well as the error message to /dev/null

将清单和错误消息发送到/dev/null ?

$ ls -l /tmp /foo > /dev/null 2> &1

is shorthand




Redirecting Input

Redirection of input causes the file whose name results from the expansion of word to be opened for reading on file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified.


The general format for redirecting input is:



Redirecting Output

Redirection of output causes the file whose name results from the expansion of word to be opened for writing on file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not specified. If the file does not exist it is created; if it does exist it is truncated to zero size.


The general format for redirecting output is:



Moving File Descriptors

Moving File Descriptors The redirection operator



moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard input (file descriptor 0) if n is not specified. digit is closed after being duplicated to n.


Similarly, the redirection operator



moves the file descriptor digit to file descriptor n, or the standard output (file descriptor 1) if n is not specified.



man bash
type /^REDIRECT to locate to the redirection section , learn more..

男人bash类型/ ^定向定位定向部分,学习更多. .

a online version here:



lots of time, man was the powerful tool to learn linux




0 for input, 1 for stdout and 2 for stderr.


One Tip: somecmd >1.txt 2>&1 is correct, while somecmd 2>&1 >1.txt is totally wrong with no effect!

一个提示:somecmd > 1。txt >&1是正确的,而somecmd 2>&1 >1。txt是完全错误的,没有效果!