1.2.1 scalar:变量,就是一个量(包括整数理、字符串型、IPADDRESS等)...3
1.2.3 notification:通知消息。以前叫trap.3
4.1 snmpd:响应snmp请求包的代理服务器。...4
4.2 snmptrapd:接收并记录snmp trap消息服务器。...5
4.4 snmpget、snmpgetnext、snmpwalk:得到请求...5
4.6 snmptranslate:mib oid数字到文本互相转换工具...5
4.8 net-snmp-config:返回编译和安装信息,建立SNMPV3配置...5
4.9 net-snmp-create-v3-user:建立SNMPV3认证配置...5
4.10 mib2c:用于从mib文件生成扩展模块c代码的工具。...5
4.11 net-snmp-cert:用于认证信息产生...5
5.1 snmp.conf:用于代理和应用程序的公共配置。...5
5.2 snmpd.conf:用于配置snmpd代理...6 interprets在一个实体类上的请求运行命令...7 interprets一个实体类上的请求运行一个执久的进程...7
5.3 snmptrap.conf:用于配置snmptrapd.7
5.4 用net-snmp-config配置V3存储控制...7
8.1.1 接收网管发过来的snmp包,并对接收到的snmp包进行解析,校验后,找到并调用相应的处理函数进行处理。 8
8.1.2 调用注册了的告警函数,向网管发送告警信息。...8 为mib2c工具配置mibs搜索路径:有两种方法...10
1.1 snmp协议
MIBS rfc详见源码目录下的doc\rfc\smiV2
1.2.1 scalar:变量,就是一个量(包括整数理、字符串型、IPADDRESS等)
1.2.2 table:表,一组变量
1.2.3 notification:通知消息。以前叫trap
2 下载net-snmp代码。
./configure –help #查看配置
make install
4.1 snmpd:响应snmp请求包的代理服务器。
用法:-f 不调用fork,即不进入daemon,如果不用这个参数,则进入daemon模式
-Le Log messages to the standard error stream.
Log messages to the specified file.
-Lo Log messages to the standard output stream.
Log messages via syslog, using the specified facility
('d' for LOG_DAEMON, 'u' for LOG_USER, or '0'-'7' for
4.2 snmptrapd:接收并记录snmp trap消息服务器。
4.3 snmpset:设置请求
4.4 snmpget、snmpgetnext、snmpwalk:得到请求
4.5 snmptrap:trap产生工具
4.6 snmptranslate:mib oid数字到文本互相转换工具
4.7 snmpconf:配置工具
4.8 net-snmp-config:返回编译和安装信息,建立SNMPV3配置
4.9 net-snmp-create-v3-user:建立SNMPV3认证配置
4.10 mib2c:用于从mib文件生成扩展模块c代码的工具。
4.11 net-snmp-cert:用于认证信息产生
-v 1|2c|3 指定SNMP使用的版本
-V, --version 显示命令的版本号
SNMP Version 1 or 2c specific
-c COMMUNITY 设置团体名
SNMP Version 3 specific
-a PROTOCOL 设置认证协议 (MD5|SHA)
-A PASSPHRASE 设置认证协议密码
-e ENGINE-ID set security engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301)
-E ENGINE-ID set context engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301)
-l LEVEL set security level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)
-n CONTEXT set context name (e.g. bridge1)
-u USER-NAME set security name (e.g. bert)
-x PROTOCOL 设置加密协议 (DES|AES)
-X PASSPHRASE 设置加密协议密码
-Z BOOTS,TIME set destination engine boots/time
snmpgetnext -v 1 -c public sysUpTime
snmpget –v 3 –a MD5 –A 1235678 –u name oid
用配置工具 snmpconf 进行配置
5.1 snmp.conf:用于代理和应用程序的公共配置。
# SECTION: Textual mib parsing
# This section controls the textual mib parser. Textual
# mibs are parsed in order to convert OIDs, enumerated
# lists, and ... to and from textual representations
# and numerical representations.
# mibs: Specifies a list of mibs to be searched for and loaded.
# Adding a '+' sign to the front of the argument appends the new
# mib name to the list of mibs already being searched for.
# arguments: [+]mibname[:mibname...]
mibs +/root/test/NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt
5.2 snmpd.conf:用于配置snmpd代理
# SECTION: Access Control Setup
# This section defines who is allowed to talk to your running
# snmp agent.
# rwcommunity: a SNMPv1/SNMPv2c read-write access community name
# arguments: community [default|hostname|network/bits] [oid]
rwcommunity public
rwcommunity public
# rwuser: a SNMPv3 read-write user
# arguments: user [noauth|auth|priv] [restriction_oid]
rwuser public #这里定义用户名和验证方式,密码保存在/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf中
# rouser: a SNMPv3 read-only user
# arguments: user [noauth|auth|priv] [restriction_oid]
rouser public #这里定义用户名和验证方式,密码保存在/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf中,详见——用net-snmp-config配置V3
5.2.4 trap目的地定义
# SECTION: Trap Destinations
# Here we define who the agent will send traps to.
# trap2sink: A SNMPv2c trap receiver
# arguments: host [community] [portnum]
trap2sink public 162
trap2sink public 162 用exec运行一个简单的命令 interprets在一个实体类上的请求运行命令 interprets一个实体类上的请求运行一个执久的进程 用system运行一个简单的命令
# SECTION: Extending the Agent
# You can extend the snmp agent to have it return information
# that you yourself define.
# dlmod: dynamically extend the agent using a shared-object
# arguments: module-name module-path
dlmod notification /data/snmp/test/.libs/
5.3 snmptrap.conf:用于配置snmptrapd
5.3.2 trap外理者
5.3.3 接收的traps输出格式
#authCommunity TYPES COMMUNITY [SOURCE [OID | -v VIEW ]]
authCommunity log,execute,net public
5.4 用net-snmp-config配置V3存储控制
root@ubuntu:~# net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user --help
net-snmp-create-v3-user [-ro] [-A authpass] [-X privpass]
[-a MD5|SHA] [-x DES|AES] [username]
root@ubuntu:~# net-snmp-create-v3-user -ro -A SHA -a public1234 -x DES -X abcdefgmok public
adding the following line to /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf:
createUser public SHA "public1234" DES abcdefgmok
adding the following line to /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf:
rouser public
它实质上是把V3的用户配置(createUser public SHA "public1234" DES abcdefgmok)加到/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf文件中。然后agent从这个文件中读取v3的用户配置信息。然后生成相应的密码并保存在这个文件中。
读写权限设置是在$SNMPCONF/snmpd.conf中配置的,详见——5.2 snmpd.conf:用于配置snmpd代理
SNMP Version 3 参数:
-a PROTOCOL 设置认证协议 (MD5|SHA)
-A PASSPHRASE 设置认证协议密码
-x PROTOCOL 设置加密协议 (DES|AES)
-X privpass 设置加密协议密码
执行 snmpd –f –Lo
后台方式 snmpd
root@ubuntu:~# snmpget -v 1 -c public UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0
UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0 = Counter32: 7822
8.1 程序逻辑
8.1.1 接收网管发过来的snmp包,并对接收到的snmp包进行解析,校验后,找到并调用相应的处理函数进行处理。
#0 reachalarmSubscriberTable_handler (handler=0x8159980, reginfo=0x8122b78,
reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at reachalarmSubscriberTable.c:116
#1 0x008e08e6 in netsnmp_call_handler (requests=0x817d138, reqinfo=0x817d050,
reginfo=0x8122b78, next_handler=0x8159980) at agent_handler.c:526
#2 netsnmp_call_next_handler (current=0x8146088, reginfo=0x8122b78,
reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at agent_handler.c:640
#3 0x008dab83 in netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handler (handler=0x8146088,
reginfo=0x8122b78, reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138)
at helpers/table_iterator.c:936
#4 0x008e08e6 in netsnmp_call_handler (requests=0x817d138, reqinfo=0x817d050,
reginfo=0x8122b78, next_handler=0x8146088) at agent_handler.c:526
#5 netsnmp_call_next_handler (current=0x813dcf0, reginfo=0x8122b78,
reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at agent_handler.c:640
#6 0x008d268c in table_helper_handler (handler=0x813dcf0, reginfo=0x8122b78,
reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at helpers/table.c:712
#7 0x008e0291 in netsnmp_call_handler (requests=0x817d138, reqinfo=0x817d050,
reginfo=0x8122b78, next_handler=0x813dcf0) at agent_handler.c:526
#8 netsnmp_call_handlers (reginfo=0x8122b78, reqinfo=0x817d050,
requests=0x817d138) at agent_handler.c:611
#9 0x008efc4a in handle_var_requests (asp=0x817c738) at snmp_agent.c:2676
#10 0x008f0150 in handle_getnext_loop (asp=0x817c738) at snmp_agent.c:3122
#11 0x008f0b0b in handle_pdu (asp=0x817c738) at snmp_agent.c:3499
#12 0x008f0c98 in netsnmp_handle_request (asp=0x817c738, status=0)
at snmp_agent.c:3278
#13 0x008f16bc in handle_snmp_packet (magic=0x0, pdu=0x8191178,
session=0x817c898, op=<optimized out>, reqid=<optimized out>)
at snmp_agent.c:1987
#14 handle_snmp_packet (op=1, session=0x817c898, reqid=8, pdu=0x8191178,
magic=0x0) at snmp_agent.c:1889
#15 0x003808a6 in _sess_process_packet (sessp=0x817c6c0, sp=0x817c898,
isp=0x817c860, transport=0x817c6d8, opaque=0x817d618, olength=36,
packetptr=0x8180ba0 "0&\002\001", length=40) at snmp_api.c:5400
#16 0x00381d0b in _sess_read (sessp=0x817c6c0, fdset=0xbfd00128)
at snmp_api.c:5829
#17 0x0038250a in snmp_sess_read2 (sessp=0x817c6c0, fdset=0xbfd00128)
at snmp_api.c:5861
#18 0x003825f4 in snmp_read2 (fdset=0xbfd00128) at snmp_api.c:5463
#19 0x0804bcee in receive () at snmpd.c:1315
#20 main (argc=6, argv=0xbfd00414) at snmpd.c:1105
用mg-soft builder生成。
8.3.2 用mib2c工具转化MIBS为代码 为mib2c工具配置mibs搜索路径:有两种方法
export MIBS=ALL
MIBS ALL #搜索/usr/share/snmp/mibs下的所有文件
MIBS +/usr/share/snmp/ NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt#加入新建立的文件
root@ubuntu:~# snmptranslate -TB netSnmpExamples
解析正确,就说明MIBS文件配置正确。 直接在你想要生成代码的目录下执行下面命令:
root@ubuntu:~#mib2c netSnmpExamples
writing to -
mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of
code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.
You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:
OID: netSnmpExamples
numeric translation: .
number of scalars within: 8
number of tables within: 3
number of notifications within: 1
First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the
ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code
base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):
1) ucd-snmp style code
2) Net-SNMP style code
Select your choice :
建议做法是:为每一个实体单独生成一组文件。这样条理比较清楚。 如果你清楚模块,可以用下面命令直接指定模板。
mib2c –c 模板文件实体名
模板文件位于: /usr/share/snmp/*.conf
root@ubuntu:~/test/mib# mib2c netSnmpExampleInteger
writing to -
mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of
code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.
You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:
OID: netSnmpExampleInteger
numeric translation: .
number of scalars within: 1
number of tables within: 0
number of notifications within: 0
First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the
ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code
base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):
1) ucd-snmp style code
2) Net-SNMP style code
Select your choice : 2
It looks like you have some scalars in the mib you requested, so I
will now generate code for them if you wish. You have two choices
for scalar API styles currently. Pick between them, or choose not
to generate any code for the scalars:
1) If you're writing code for some generic scalars
(by hand use: "mib2c -c mib2c.scalar.conf netSnmpExampleInteger")
2) If you want to magically "tie" integer variables to integer
(by hand use: "mib2c -c mib2c.int_watch.conf netSnmpExampleInteger")
3) Don't generate any code for the scalars
Select your choice: 1
using the mib2c.scalar.conf configuration file to generate your code.
writing to netSnmpExampleInteger.h
writing to netSnmpExampleInteger.c
* NOTE WELL: The code generated by mib2c is only a template. *YOU* *
* must fill in the code before it'll work most of the time. In many *
* cases, spots that MUST be edited within the files are marked with *
* /* XXX */ or /* TODO */ comments. *
running indent on netSnmpExampleInteger.h
running indent on netSnmpExampleInteger.c
root@ubuntu:~/test/mib# mib2c netSnmpHostsTable
writing to -
mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of
code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.
You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:
OID: netSnmpHostsTable
numeric translation: .
number of scalars within: 0
number of tables within: 1
number of notifications within: 0
First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the
ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code
base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):
1) ucd-snmp style code
2) Net-SNMP style code
Select your choice : 2
The Net-SNMP agent API is extremely extensive and, in fact, lets
each programmer write agent code according to the style that works
best for them based on their experience and their preference. We're
going to ask you a serious of questions that will help mib2c
generate code that best suits *your* needs, as the programmer that
will be responsible for taking the code and further refining it. If
you don't like how the results look, you are always welcome to
re-run mib2c and select a different set of options.
There are essentially two tasks involved in processing requests
for OIDs within a MIB table - firstly identifying the relevant row
of the table for a given request, and then returning (or updating)
the appropriate column value within that row. Many MIB tables model
the state of some external system (the kernel, a device, processes,
etc), and the MIB implementation module (the code we're about to
produce a template for) acts as an interface between this underlying
system and the SNMP side. Other tables hold data internally that is
only available within the agent itself, or at least the master copy
of the data is held within the agent.
There are a number of different code templates that can be used to
implement MIB tables, using various approaches to these two tasks.
There are three basic approaches to identifying the relevant row:
1) Pass the request through to the table-specific code, and
identify the requested row there (for both GET and GETNEXT
requests). This is typically the most efficient way to get
up-to-date information, but relies on suitable
(programmer-provided) code within the MIB handler.
Most importantly, you should be an expert to use this choice.
This will produce code based on the table_dataset handler.
2) Have table-specific code to provide information about which
rows exist in the table (by iterating through them in turn),
but utilise standard helper code to select the appropriate
row for a given request. This is particularly suitable for
tables where the data is naturally stored in a "random" order
(or differently to the MIB table index), or where rows are
frequently added to or removed from the table.
However searching for the requested row is not very efficient,
and performance can be slow - particularly for large tables with
many rows.
3) Hold a locally cached copy of the contents of the table (or at
least a cache of which rows are valid), and utilise standard
helper code to select the appropriate row. This is
significantly faster than the iterator-based approach, but
cached data is inevitably slightly "stale" with respect to the
data from the underlying system being managed. This approach,
since it relies on caching of data, is also results in a larger
memory footprint. It is less appropriate for tables where rows
are frequently added or removed externally to the agent (i.e.,
not via SNMP requests).
This approach can also be used where _all_ use of the table is
via SNMP, and there is no external "underlying system". In
this case, the local cache is the canonical version of the
4) Do not generate code for the tables.
Select the option that best fits your requirements: 2
Having identified the appropriate row for a given request, there are
three basic styles of code for returning (or updating) the requested
column value from within this row:
1) A single handler routine, which contains all the code needed to
handle GET and SET requests for each of the column objects.
The code typically looks like a single function with a large 'case'
statement covering each of the columns.
This will produce code based on the 'iterator' hepler.
2) A set of individual routines, each of which is concerned
with a particular aspect of processing the request.
Each column object within the table has one routine for
retrieving the current value, and another for setting a new one.
This will produce code based on the 'iterate_access' hepler.
3) A (different) set of individual routines, each of which is
smaller and more tightly focused than the code generated by
style 2. The aim here is to reduce the amount of SNMP specific
knowledge required to implement a module, and hide much of the
SNMP terminology and processing within standard generated code
(which can simply be used sight unseen).
This will produce code based on the 'mfd' hepler ('MIB for Dummies').
4) Do not generate code for the tables.
(In all cases, GETNEXT requests are automatically converted
into the equivalent GET request, so the MIB specific code
need only be concerned with GET and SET requests.).
Select the code style you wish to use: 1
The same template code can be generated using
mib2c -c mib2c.iterate.conf netSnmpHostsTable
This framework can work in one of two ways:
1) Hold a local cached copy of some external data
which is then used to service incoming requests.
2) Query the external data directly for each request.
The first is typically more efficient, but results in
slightly "stale" data (depending on the expiration timeout
for the cache) and greater memory usage. The second can
provide more up-to-date information, but at the cost of
higher processing overheads.
Which is more appropriate for your needs?
Select your choice : 1
writing to netSnmpHostsTable.h
writing to netSnmpHostsTable.c
* NOTE WELL: The code generated by mib2c is only a template. *YOU* *
* must fill in the code before it'll work most of the time. In many *
* cases, spots that MUST be edited within the files are marked with *
* /* XXX */ or /* TODO */ comments. *
running indent on netSnmpHostsTable.h
running indent on netSnmpHostsTable.c
root@ubuntu:~/test/mib# mib2c netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification
writing to -
mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of
code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.
You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:
OID: netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification
numeric translation: .
number of scalars within: 0
number of tables within: 0
number of notifications within: 1
First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the
ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code
base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):
1) ucd-snmp style code
2) Net-SNMP style code
Select your choice : 2
Would you like to generate code for sending notifications from within
the agent?
"y" or "n": y
using mib2c.notify.conf to generate code for sending notifications
writing to netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.h
writing to netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.c
# To generate just a header with a define for each column number in
# your table:
# mib2c -c mib2c.column_defines.conf netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification
# To generate just a header with a define for each enum for any
# column containing enums:
# mib2c -c mib2c.column_enums.conf netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification
* NOTE WELL: The code generated by mib2c is only a template. *YOU* *
* must fill in the code before it'll work most of the time. In many *
* cases, spots that MUST be edited within the files are marked with *
* /* XXX */ or /* TODO */ comments. *
running indent on netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.c
running indent on netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.h scalar实体和table实体代码:
/** Initializes the netSnmpExampleInteger module */
const oid netSnmpExampleInteger_oid[] = { 1,3,6,1,4,1,8072,2,1,1 };
DEBUGMSGTL(("netSnmpExampleInteger", "Initializing\n"));
netsnmp_create_handler_registration("netSnmpExampleInteger", handle_netSn
netSnmpExampleInteger_oid, OID_LENGTH(netSnmpExamp
handle_netSnmpExampleInteger(netsnmp_mib_handler *handler,
netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo,
netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo,
netsnmp_request_info *requests)
当snmpd调用它时,便会把相应的snmp包的信息从这几个参数中传进来。其中reqinfo就是snmp请求包被snmpd解析后得到的结构,包含了请求包的会话和pdu信息;requests:主要包含了 VB 信息。
/** @struct netsnmp_agent_request_info_s
* The agent transaction request structure
typedef struct netsnmp_agent_request_info_s {
int mode;
/** pdu contains authinfo, eg */
/* netsnmp_pdu *pdu; */
struct netsnmp_agent_session_s *asp; /* may not be needed */
* can be used to pass information on a per-pdu basis from a
* helper to the later handlers
netsnmp_data_list *agent_data;
} netsnmp_agent_request_info;
typedef struct netsnmp_agent_session_s {
int mode;
netsnmp_session *session;
netsnmp_pdu *pdu;
netsnmp_pdu *orig_pdu;
int rw;
int exact;
int status;
int index;
int oldmode;
struct netsnmp_agent_session_s *next;
* new API pointers
netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo;
netsnmp_request_info *requests;
netsnmp_tree_cache *treecache;
netsnmp_variable_list **bulkcache;
int treecache_len; /* length of cache array */
int treecache_num; /* number of current cache entries */
netsnmp_cachemap *cache_store;
int vbcount;
} netsnmp_agent_session;
typedef struct netsnmp_request_info_s {
* variable bindings
netsnmp_variable_list *requestvb;
* can be used to pass information on a per-request basis from a
* helper to the later handlers
netsnmp_data_list *parent_data;
* pointer to the agent_request_info for this request
struct netsnmp_agent_request_info_s *agent_req_info;
/** don't free, reference to (struct tree)->end */
oid *range_end;
size_t range_end_len;
* flags
int delegated;
int processed;
int inclusive;
int status;
/** index in original pdu */
int index;
/** get-bulk */
int repeat;
int orig_repeat;
netsnmp_variable_list *requestvb_start;
/* internal use */
struct netsnmp_request_info_s *next;
struct netsnmp_request_info_s *prev;
struct netsnmp_subtree_s *subtree;
} netsnmp_request_info;
send_v2trap:已封装好了,按snmp v2 trap发送。
send_easy_trap:按snmpv1 trap发送。
以上两种发送,都是通过 netsnmp_send_traps进行封装发送的。
* send_trap_to_sess: sends a trap to a session but assumes that the
* pdu is constructed correctly for the session type.
send_trap_to_sess(netsnmp_session *sess,netsnmp_pdu *template_pdu)
* These functions send PDUs using an active session:
* snmp_send - traditional API, no callback
* snmp_async_send - traditional API, with callback
* snmp_sess_send - single session API, no callback
* snmp_sess_async_send - single session API, with callback
* Call snmp_build to create a serialized packet (the pdu).
* If necessary, set some of the pdu data from the
* session defaults.
* If there is an expected response for this PDU,
* queue a corresponding request on the list
* of outstanding requests for this session,
* and store the callback vectors in the request.
* Send the pdu to the target identified by this session.
* Return on success:
* The request id of the pdu is returned, and the pdu is freed.
* Return on failure:
* Zero (0) is returned.
* The caller must call snmp_free_pdu if 0 is returned.
snmp_send(netsnmp_session *session,netsnmp_pdu *pdu)
int create_trap_session(char *sink,u_shortsinkport,
char *com,intversion, int pdutype)
int add_trap_session(netsnmp_session *,int,int, int);//如果是通告的话,就会调用notifyTable_register_notifications把新的会话目的地址加入,但在remove_trap_session中没有对其进行删除。
int remove_trap_session(netsnmp_session *);//这个没有实现通告目的地址删除功能
struct snmp_session {
* SNMPv1 & SNMPv2c fields
/** community for outgoing requests. */
u_char *community;
struct snmp_session {
* SNMPv3 fields
/** are we the authoritative engine? */
u_char isAuthoritative;
/** authoritative snmpEngineID */
u_char *contextEngineID;
/** Length of contextEngineID */
size_t contextEngineIDLen;
/** initial engineBoots for remote engine */
u_int engineBoots;
/** initial engineTime for remote engine */
u_int engineTime;
/** authoritative contextName */
char *contextName;
/** Length of contextName */
size_t contextNameLen;
/** authoritative snmpEngineID */
u_char *securityEngineID;
/** Length of contextEngineID */
size_t securityEngineIDLen;
/** on behalf of this principal */
char *securityName;
/** Length of securityName. */
size_t securityNameLen;
/** auth protocol oid */
oid *securityAuthProto;
/** Length of auth protocol oid */
size_t securityAuthProtoLen;
/** Ku for auth protocol XXX */
u_char securityAuthKey[USM_AUTH_KU_LEN];
/** Length of Ku for auth protocol */
size_t securityAuthKeyLen;
/** Kul for auth protocol */
u_char *securityAuthLocalKey;
/** Length of Kul for auth protocol XXX */
size_t securityAuthLocalKeyLen;
/** priv protocol oid */
oid *securityPrivProto;
/** Length of priv protocol oid */
size_t securityPrivProtoLen;
/** Ku for privacy protocol XXX */
u_char securityPrivKey[USM_PRIV_KU_LEN];
/** Length of Ku for priv protocol */
size_t securityPrivKeyLen;
/** Kul for priv protocol */
u_char *securityPrivLocalKey;
/** Length of Kul for priv protocol XXX */
size_t securityPrivLocalKeyLen;
/** snmp security model, v1, v2c, usm */
int securityModel;
/** noAuthNoPriv, authNoPriv, authPriv */
int securityLevel;
/** target param name */
char *paramName;
* security module specific
void *securityInfo;
* SNMP versions
* There currently exists the following SNMP versions.
* * (Note that only SNMPv1 is in widespread usage, and this code supports
* * only SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
* *
* * SNMPv1 - (full) the original version, defined by RFC 1157
* * SNMPsec - (historic) the first attempt to add strong security
* * to SNMPv1, defined by RFCs 1351, 1352, and 1353.
* * SNMPv2p - (historic) party-based SNMP, which was another
* * attempt to add strong security to SNMP, defined
* * by RFCs 1441, 1445, 1446, 1448, and 1449.
* * SNMPv2c - (experimental) community string-based SNMPv2,
* * which was an attempt to combine the protocol
* * operations of SNMPv2 with the security of
* * SNMPv1, defined by RFCs 1901, 1905, and 1906.
* * SNMPv2u - (experimental) user-based SNMPv2, which provided
* * security based on user names and protocol
* * operations of SNMPv2, defined by RFCs 1905,
* * 1909, and 1910.
* * SNMPv2* (or SNMPv2star) - (experimental) an attempt to add the
* * best features of SNMPv2p and SNMPv2u, defined
* * by unpublished documents found at WEB site
* * owned by SNMP Research (a leading SNMP vendor)
* * SNMPv3 - the current attempt by the IETF working group to merge
* * the SNMPv2u and SNMPv2* proposals into a more widly
* * accepted SNMPv3. It is defined by not yet published
* * documents of the IETF SNMPv3 WG.
* *
* * SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u, and SNMPv3 messages have a common
* * form, which is an ASN.1 sequence containing a message version
* * field, followed by version dependent fields.
* * SNMPsec, SNMPv2p, and SNMPv2* messages have a common form,
* * which is a tagged ASN.1 context specific sequence containing
* * message dependent fields.
* *
* * In the #defines for the message versions below, the value
* * for SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u, and SNMPv3 messages is the
* * value of the message version field. Since SNMPsec, SNMPv2p,
* * and SNMPv2* messages do not have a message version field,
* * the value in the defines for them is choosen to be a large
* * arbitrary number.
* *
* * Note that many of the version ID's are defined below purely for
* * documentational purposes. At this point the only protocol planned
* * for future implementations is SNMP3, as the other v2 protocols will
* * not be supported by the IETF (ie, v2u, v2sec, v2star) or used by
* * the snmp community at large (at the time of this writing).
* versions based on version field
#define SNMP_VERSION_1 0
#define SNMP_VERSION_2c 1
#define SNMP_VERSION_2u 2 /* not (will never be) supported by this code */
#define SNMP_VERSION_3 3
* versions not based on a version field
#define SNMP_VERSION_sec 128 /* not (will never be) supported by this code */
#define SNMP_VERSION_2p 129 /* no longer supported by this code (> 4.0) */
#define SNMP_VERSION_2star 130 /* not (will never be) supported by this code */
* PDU types in SNMPv1, SNMPsec, SNMPv2p, SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u, SNMPv2*, and SNMPv3
#define SNMP_MSG_GET (ASN_CONTEXT |ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x0)/* a0=160 */
#define SNMP_MSG_SET (ASN_CONTEXT |ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x3)/* a3=163 */
* PDU types in SNMPv1 and SNMPsec
#define SNMP_MSG_TRAP (ASN_CONTEXT |ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x4)/* a4=164 */
* PDU types in SNMPv2p, SNMPv2c, SNMPv2u, SNMPv2*, and SNMPv3
#define SNMP_MSG_TRAP2 (ASN_CONTEXT |ASN_CONSTRUCTOR | 0x7)/* a7=167 */
* PDU types in SNMPv2u, SNMPv2*, and SNMPv3
扩展 net-snmp agent有三种方式: 静态联编(此方式需要net-snmp源码树) 把生成的代码放入源码目录agent\mibgroup下。
./configure --with-mib-modules=examples/notification.c
--with-mib-modules=后面参数是 agent/mibgroup目录下模块文件名
nm | grep init_notification 动态加载库(windows不支持此方法)
gcc -I. -c -o notification.cnotification.c#生成目标文件
gcc -g -fPIC -shared -o notification.o #生成动态库文件.so
建立 configure.in和
参考:autoconf和automake生成makefile 静态联编(此方式需要net-snmp源码树) 按照6.2.5.1方法进行编译
重启snmpd -Dexample_notification #(打开输出调试信息)
example_notification: initializing (setting callback alarm) 动态加载库(windows不支持此方法) 不停snmpd进程的情况下加载
./configure --with-mib-modules=ucd-snmp/dlmod
--with-mib-modules=后面参数是 agent\mibgroup\目录下模块文件名
dlmod 模块名模块动态库文件(.so)位置
dlmod notification /data/snmp/test/.libs/
"initializing (setting callback alarm)\n"));
那么打开调试开关 example_notification
snmpd -Ddlmod –Dexample_notification
dlmod: dlmod_path: /usr/lib/snmp/dlmod
dlmod: dlmod_create_module
dlmod: dlmod_load_module notification: /data/snmp/test/.libs/
example_notification: initializing (setting callback alarm)
linux-65wt:/etc/snmp # ps -ef| grep snmpd
root 25124 27661 0 11:43 pts/5 00:00:00 tail -f net-snmpd.log
root 25153 1 0 11:43 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/snmpd -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -Ddlmod, example_notification -r -A -LF d /var/log/net-snmpd.log -p /var/run/
linux-65wt:/etc/snmp # lsof -p 25153
snmpd 25153 root mem REG 8,2 28511 111979 /data/snmp/test/.libs/
9.1.1 snmptranslate [OPTIONS] OID [OID]...
-T TRANSOPTS Set various options controlling report produced:
B: print all matching objects for a regex search
d: print full details of the given OID
p: print tree format symbol table
a: print ASCII format symbol table
l: enable labeled OID report
o: enable OID report
s: enable dotted symbolic report
z: enable MIB child OID report
t: enable alternate format symbolic suffix report
9.1.2 snmpget [OPTIONS] AGENT OID [OID]...
root@ubuntu:~/reach# snmpget -v 1 -c public localhost subscriberPort.1
REACH-MIB::subscriberPort.1 = INTEGER: 10
root@ubuntu:~/reach# snmpget -v 1 -c public localhost subscriberPort.1 subscriberStatus.1
REACH-MIB::subscriberPort.1 = INTEGER: 10
REACH-MIB::subscriberStatus.1 = INTEGER: addSubscribe(4)
9.1.3 snmpgetnext [OPTIONS] AGENT OID [OID]...
root@ubuntu:~/reach# snmpgetnext -v 1 -c public localhost subscriberPort
REACH-MIB::subscriberPort.1 = INTEGER: 10
9.1.4 snmpwalk [OPTIONS] AGENT [OID]
snmpwalk –v 1 –c public localhost subscriberTable
root@ubuntu:~/reach# snmpset -v 1 -c public localhost subscriberIP.1 a subscriberPort.1 i 1000
REACH-MIB::subscriberPort.1 = INTEGER: 1000
在net-snmp安装目录下 agent/mibgroup/examples/下,有扩展 net-snmp的例子。