如何在swift中处理resultDictionary null?

时间:2022-07-09 11:52:49

With FMDB resultset's resultDictionary method returns a dictionary for each row where the keys are the column names which have a value or are NSNulls. So I am trying to figure out how best to handle these and where.


So with the new update of swift I need to change my code and in the process I am looking at some refactoring.


So as it stands the following line of code's "as" needs to be made to "as?" or "as!" :

因此,以下代码行的“as”需要“as?”或“as!” :

resultsArray.append(resultSet.resultDictionary() as Dictionary<String,AnyObject>)

Robert stated I should handle them like this. But it got me thinking about a better solution and thus I am looking for some advice on how I should refactor:


  1. I could get the optional, find nulls and replace the NSNulls with empty string literals "" and this handle empty strings somewhere else in my app.
  2. 我可以获得可选的,找到空值并用空字符串文字“”替换NSNulls,并在我的应用程序中的其他地方处理空字符串。

  3. I could just leave them as is and force unwrap.
  4. 我可以按原样离开它们并强行打开包装。

public class func queryGetAllRowsFromTableAsArrayOfHashes() -> Array<Dictionary<String,AnyObject>>? {

public class func queryGetAllRowsFromTableAsArrayOfHashes() - > Array >? {

var resultsArray = Array<Dictionary<String,AnyObject>>()
let database = DBUtility.getDatabaseHandle()

//Perform query and place result into a dictionary.
self.log().info("Getting all rows from: \(self.getTableName())")
if let resultSet = database.executeQuery(self.getAllRowsStatement()) {
    self.log().info("Query run")
    while resultSet.next() {
        //adds a dictionary of the result row to the array.
        resultsArray.append(resultSet.resultDictionary() as! Dictionary<String,AnyObject>)
    self.log().info("Results array: \(resultsArray)")
    return resultsArray;
   self.log().error("DB Error: \(database.lastErrorMessage())")
return nil;

Anyone got some advice on where this should be tackled?


1 个解决方案


You can simply put a check in if statement like this


if var dict = resultSet.resultDictionary() as Dictionary<String,AnyObject> 
  resultsArray.append(resultSet.resultDictionary() as! Dictionary<String,AnyObject>)

It will only append the value in array if there is non null value. hope it will help you.If value is null then if statement will not be executed.



You can simply put a check in if statement like this


if var dict = resultSet.resultDictionary() as Dictionary<String,AnyObject> 
  resultsArray.append(resultSet.resultDictionary() as! Dictionary<String,AnyObject>)

It will only append the value in array if there is non null value. hope it will help you.If value is null then if statement will not be executed.
