
时间:2021-09-19 11:47:21

I have a Microsoft Excel worksheet that has hundreds of rows of items. The category column in this items worksheet is filled with category names, which are duplicated since it's a many-to-one relationship of items to categories. I would like to replace these category strings with IDs from a second worksheet that has a unique list of the category names paired with IDs. So, the common link between the two is the category name.

我有一个Microsoft Excel工作表,有数百行项目。此项目工作表中的类别列填充了类别名称,这些类别名称是重复的,因为它是项目与类别的多对一关系。我想用第二个工作表中的ID替换这些类别字符串,该工作表具有与ID配对的类别名称的唯一列表。因此,两者之间的共同联系是类别名称。

How can I do this in Microsoft Excel? Does it involve making a vba macro?

我怎么能在Microsoft Excel中执行此操作?它是否涉及制作vba宏?

3 个解决方案



First off, as the comment suggests, I think a good idea wouls be to move this to a database, even MS Access will suffice. Lets say you can not do that, so business rule that you require this to saty in excel.

首先,正如评论所暗示的那样,我认为一个好主意是将它移到数据库中,即使MS Access也足够了。让我们说你不能这样做,所以业务规则要求你在excel中做得很好。

OK, so lets start.


  • From the sheet with the Items data, copy the entire column containing the Category strins, and paste this into a new sheet.
  • 从包含Items数据的工作表中,复制包含Category strins的整个列,并将其粘贴到新工作表中。
  • Use the Remove duplicates command to ensure that you only have unique values in this new sheet.
  • 使用“删除重复项”命令可确保在此新工作表中只有唯一值。
  • Now, to the right (must be right, we will use this in a VLOOKUP later) of this new column, create a column that contains 1..N, simulating Autonumber.
  • 现在,在这个新列的右边(必须是正确的,我们将在后面的VLOOKUP中使用它),创建一个包含1..N的列,模拟自动编号。
  • Now on the original sheet, insert a new column to the right of the current Category column. Use VLOOKUP to retrieve the values from the Autonumber sheet. Something like this =VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!$D$1:$E$6,2)
  • 现在,在原始工作表上,在当前“类别”列的右侧插入一个新列。使用VLOOKUP从“自动编号”工作表中检索值。像这样的东西= VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!$ D $ 1:$ E $ 6,2)

Now after you have checked that all your IDs seem correct, you can remove the Category column from the Items sheet if you wish so.


I would still recomend using a database for this X-)







(You have to sort the category names for it to work.)




You need one of the LOOKUP functions. Here's an article on this topic from Microsoft. And this is another one with more details and examples.


Note that using LOOKUP you'll be able to create a new column with the IDs next to the category names. If this is a one-off operation, you can then just replace the category column with that new ID column.




First off, as the comment suggests, I think a good idea wouls be to move this to a database, even MS Access will suffice. Lets say you can not do that, so business rule that you require this to saty in excel.

首先,正如评论所暗示的那样,我认为一个好主意是将它移到数据库中,即使MS Access也足够了。让我们说你不能这样做,所以业务规则要求你在excel中做得很好。

OK, so lets start.


  • From the sheet with the Items data, copy the entire column containing the Category strins, and paste this into a new sheet.
  • 从包含Items数据的工作表中,复制包含Category strins的整个列,并将其粘贴到新工作表中。
  • Use the Remove duplicates command to ensure that you only have unique values in this new sheet.
  • 使用“删除重复项”命令可确保在此新工作表中只有唯一值。
  • Now, to the right (must be right, we will use this in a VLOOKUP later) of this new column, create a column that contains 1..N, simulating Autonumber.
  • 现在,在这个新列的右边(必须是正确的,我们将在后面的VLOOKUP中使用它),创建一个包含1..N的列,模拟自动编号。
  • Now on the original sheet, insert a new column to the right of the current Category column. Use VLOOKUP to retrieve the values from the Autonumber sheet. Something like this =VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!$D$1:$E$6,2)
  • 现在,在原始工作表上,在当前“类别”列的右侧插入一个新列。使用VLOOKUP从“自动编号”工作表中检索值。像这样的东西= VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet1!$ D $ 1:$ E $ 6,2)

Now after you have checked that all your IDs seem correct, you can remove the Category column from the Items sheet if you wish so.


I would still recomend using a database for this X-)







(You have to sort the category names for it to work.)




You need one of the LOOKUP functions. Here's an article on this topic from Microsoft. And this is another one with more details and examples.


Note that using LOOKUP you'll be able to create a new column with the IDs next to the category names. If this is a one-off operation, you can then just replace the category column with that new ID column.
