Xcode 7在支持ipad的设备中需要支持分屏!

时间:2022-11-09 08:19:18


在更新APP的时候发现ERROR ITMS-90474,ERROR ITMS-90475等错误。看了一下错误日志发现提示不支持分屏


Since iOS9 and Xcode 7 final were released, apps built with UnrealEngine 4.9.1 cannot be uploaded to iTunesConnect or TestFlight.

The first error you’ll encounter is:

1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/5h/w09yr4wx40g2fgnj1cnqxypc0000gn/T/479C7B49-0CB9-4659-A284-5FFD685AF90A/1021672195.itmsp – Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90474: “Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations: ‘UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight’. Found ‘UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight’ in bundle ‘com.martiancraft.columbus’.”
ERROR ITMS-90475: “Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires launch story board in bundle ‘com.martiancraft.columbus’.”
ERROR ITMS-90339: “This bundle is invalid. The Info.plist contains an invalid key ‘CFBundleResourceSpecification’ in bundle NinjaUE4 [NinjaUE4.app]”
This one is relatively easy to work around. If you add the following to the Additional Plist Items in your Project Settings under iOS:

<key>UIRequiresFullScreen</key> <string>YES</string>
, it will prevent the server-side checks from doing the startup storyboard and orientation checks, though it will prevent your app from working in the new split screen mode. For games, I doubt that’ll be much of an issue, though.

Unfortunately, getting past that check isn’t the end of it. You’ll still continue to get

ERROR ITMS-90339: “This bundle is invalid. The Info.plist contains an invalid key ‘CFBundleResourceSpecification’ in bundle NinjaUE4 [NinjaUE4.app]






Xcode 7在支持ipad的设备中需要支持分屏!