
时间:2023-01-11 02:09:58

I have been messing with this all morning, but I can't find the answer. I am trying to use EF to reference a stored procedures, but no matter what I try I cannot get it to show up in the model browser.


I have used the following steps to try to get the procedures into the modal:


  1. add procedure to Entity model


  2. right click on model and choose add new --> Function Import

    右键单击模型,然后选择添加新 - >功能导入

  3. Give it a name and select my procedure


  4. generate a new complex collection (I have also tried using an entity, neither work)


  5. click OK

I have done this many times, and I can see the function in the "function Imports" folder in the model, but it never shows up in the model, so I can't reference it.


I find I can reference the stored procedure directly (without the import) by doing the following:


    DBEntities db = new DBEntities();
    var test = db.gsp_GetGroups();

However, I cannot convert this to IQueryable<T> without a big workaround.


Does anybody know what steps I'm missing to get this to add properly?



P.S. VS 2012, asp.net 4.0

附: VS 2012,asp.net 4.0

5 个解决方案



Verify that the SQL log-in you are using to generate your EF model has permission to execute the stored procs you are trying to import.


  1. Go to your App.config and look for the connectionStrings entry (usually at the bottom). If you have more than 1 connection string, the one you want is the one your context uses.
    • Go to your edmx file and drill down to find the entities class.
    • 转到您的edmx文件并深入查找实体类。

    • For example, if you have MyDbModel.edmx, then under that you'll have MyDbModel.Context.tt which in turn will contain MyDbModel.Context.cs.
    • 例如,如果您有MyDbModel.edmx,那么您将拥有MyDbModel.Context.tt,而MyDbModel.Context.tt又包含MyDbModel.Context.cs。

    • In the MyDbModel.Context.cs file you will have a class that inherits from DbContext and the constructor will call base("name=<your connection string name>")
    • 在MyDbModel.Context.cs文件中,您将拥有一个继承自DbContext的类,构造函数将调用base(“name = <您的连接字符串名称> ”)

    • <your connection string name> is the one you are looking for in your app.config.
    • <您的连接字符串名称> 是您在app.config中查找的名称。

  2. 转到App.config并查找connectionStrings条目(通常在底部)。如果您有多个连接字符串,那么您想要的是您的上下文使用的字符串。转到您的edmx文件并深入查找实体类。例如,如果您有MyDbModel.edmx,那么您将拥有MyDbModel.Context.tt,而MyDbModel.Context.tt又包含MyDbModel.Context.cs。在MyDbModel.Context.cs文件中,您将拥有一个继承自DbContext的类,构造函数将调用base(“name = <您的连接字符串名称> ”) <您的连接字符串名称> 是您要在其中查找的那个的app.config。

  3. Your connection string shows the user (Integrated security will mean the AD user that is logged in. This will only work if everyone who uses your program will have the correct DB access. That can be a risky assumption in a production environment)
  4. 您的连接字符串显示用户(集成安全性将表示已登录的AD用户。这仅在使用您的程序的每个人都具有正确的数据库访问权限时才有效。这在生产环境中可能是一个冒险的假设)

  5. Go to SQL Management Studio and add this stored proc to the user's "Securables"
  6. 转到SQL Management Studio并将此存储过程添加到用户的“Securables”



Go to SP in Sql Server Management Studio, right click on properties, go to permissions Set public to Execute.

转到Sql Server Management Studio中的SP,右键单击属性,转到权限将public设置为Execute。

The above could all be the answer it is a permissions issue, the above answers made me look at why and concluded this.




This may be because Entity Framework is signing on to the database with a user id that does not have permission to execute stored procedures.


To find out:


In your app.config or web.config file on your .NET project, check to see which user id is accessing the database. You'll see it after connectionString just after user id=.

在.NET项目的app.config或web.config文件中,检查哪个用户标识正在访问数据库。你会在用户id =之后的connectionString之后看到它。

If it is different than the user id you used to write the stored procedure (i.e. in SQL), check with your database administrator to see if that user id in from your .NET (and consequently Entity Framework) has permission to execute stored procedures.




@Limey Your problem is probably caused by the Access level to your import function. Try this:


In the Model Browser find the folder Function Inports. Now right click in your function and choose Properties. In properties windows the first option should be Access change it to Public and save your model.edmx.

在模型浏览器中找到文件夹Function Inports。现在右键单击您的函数,然后选择“属性”。在属性窗口中,第一个选项应该是Access将其更改为Public并保存您的model.edmx。

Go back in your code and see if this work.




I had a similar issue, upgrading from Entity Framework 5 to 6 worked to resolve the issue for me.


For me it was not displaying my custom sql server schema under the stored procedures, although it was showing the same schema correctly in the tables section.

对我来说,它没有在存储过程下显示我的自定义sql server架构,尽管它在表部分中正确显示了相同的架构。

Hope this helps someone else.




Verify that the SQL log-in you are using to generate your EF model has permission to execute the stored procs you are trying to import.


  1. Go to your App.config and look for the connectionStrings entry (usually at the bottom). If you have more than 1 connection string, the one you want is the one your context uses.
    • Go to your edmx file and drill down to find the entities class.
    • 转到您的edmx文件并深入查找实体类。

    • For example, if you have MyDbModel.edmx, then under that you'll have MyDbModel.Context.tt which in turn will contain MyDbModel.Context.cs.
    • 例如,如果您有MyDbModel.edmx,那么您将拥有MyDbModel.Context.tt,而MyDbModel.Context.tt又包含MyDbModel.Context.cs。

    • In the MyDbModel.Context.cs file you will have a class that inherits from DbContext and the constructor will call base("name=<your connection string name>")
    • 在MyDbModel.Context.cs文件中,您将拥有一个继承自DbContext的类,构造函数将调用base(“name = <您的连接字符串名称> ”)

    • <your connection string name> is the one you are looking for in your app.config.
    • <您的连接字符串名称> 是您在app.config中查找的名称。

  2. 转到App.config并查找connectionStrings条目(通常在底部)。如果您有多个连接字符串,那么您想要的是您的上下文使用的字符串。转到您的edmx文件并深入查找实体类。例如,如果您有MyDbModel.edmx,那么您将拥有MyDbModel.Context.tt,而MyDbModel.Context.tt又包含MyDbModel.Context.cs。在MyDbModel.Context.cs文件中,您将拥有一个继承自DbContext的类,构造函数将调用base(“name = <您的连接字符串名称> ”) <您的连接字符串名称> 是您要在其中查找的那个的app.config。

  3. Your connection string shows the user (Integrated security will mean the AD user that is logged in. This will only work if everyone who uses your program will have the correct DB access. That can be a risky assumption in a production environment)
  4. 您的连接字符串显示用户(集成安全性将表示已登录的AD用户。这仅在使用您的程序的每个人都具有正确的数据库访问权限时才有效。这在生产环境中可能是一个冒险的假设)

  5. Go to SQL Management Studio and add this stored proc to the user's "Securables"
  6. 转到SQL Management Studio并将此存储过程添加到用户的“Securables”



Go to SP in Sql Server Management Studio, right click on properties, go to permissions Set public to Execute.

转到Sql Server Management Studio中的SP,右键单击属性,转到权限将public设置为Execute。

The above could all be the answer it is a permissions issue, the above answers made me look at why and concluded this.




This may be because Entity Framework is signing on to the database with a user id that does not have permission to execute stored procedures.


To find out:


In your app.config or web.config file on your .NET project, check to see which user id is accessing the database. You'll see it after connectionString just after user id=.

在.NET项目的app.config或web.config文件中,检查哪个用户标识正在访问数据库。你会在用户id =之后的connectionString之后看到它。

If it is different than the user id you used to write the stored procedure (i.e. in SQL), check with your database administrator to see if that user id in from your .NET (and consequently Entity Framework) has permission to execute stored procedures.




@Limey Your problem is probably caused by the Access level to your import function. Try this:


In the Model Browser find the folder Function Inports. Now right click in your function and choose Properties. In properties windows the first option should be Access change it to Public and save your model.edmx.

在模型浏览器中找到文件夹Function Inports。现在右键单击您的函数,然后选择“属性”。在属性窗口中,第一个选项应该是Access将其更改为Public并保存您的model.edmx。

Go back in your code and see if this work.




I had a similar issue, upgrading from Entity Framework 5 to 6 worked to resolve the issue for me.


For me it was not displaying my custom sql server schema under the stored procedures, although it was showing the same schema correctly in the tables section.

对我来说,它没有在存储过程下显示我的自定义sql server架构,尽管它在表部分中正确显示了相同的架构。

Hope this helps someone else.
