
时间:2022-12-23 02:08:47

I am using ASP.NET to build a application for a retail company. I am using the Entity Framework (model-first) as my data access layer. I am using stored procedures to do my CRUD operations and all columns are mapped and seems to be correct as all CRUD functionality are working as expected.


But I am having concurrency issues with the DELETE operation.


I've added a TimeStamp column to the table I am doing the CRUD operation on. The UPDATE operation works fine as it is updating by primary key and the TimeStamp value. Thus if no rows are affected with the UPDATE operation, because of a change in the TimeStamp value, the Entity Framework throws a OptimisticConcurrencyException.


The DELETE operation works on the same principle as it is deleting by primary key and the TimeStamp value. But no exception is thrown when the TimeStamp value does not match between the entity and the database.


In the C# delete method I do retrieve the latest record first and then update the TimeStamp property to another TimeStamp value (It might be different to the retrieved value). After some investigation by using SQL Profiler I can see that the DELETE stored procedure is executed but the TimeStamp parameter that is passed to the stored procedure is the latest TimeStamp value and not the value that I have set the TimeStamp property to. Thus the record is deleted and the Entity Framework does not throw an exception.

在c# delete方法中,我首先检索最新的记录,然后将时间戳属性更新为另一个时间戳值(它可能与检索到的值不同)。在使用SQL Profiler进行了一些调查之后,我可以看到执行了DELETE存储过程,但是传递给存储过程的时间戳参数是最新的时间戳值,而不是我将时间戳属性设置为的值。因此,记录被删除,实体框架不会抛出异常。

Why would the Entity Framework still pass the retrieved TimeStamp value to the Stored Procedure and not the value that I have assigned the property? Is this be design or am I missing something?


Any help will be appreciated! (where is Julie Lerman when you need her! :-))


2 个解决方案



Optimistic concurrency in EF works fine. Even with stored procedures.


ObjectContext.DeleteObjects passes original values of entity to delete function. This makes sense. Original values are used to identify the row to delete. When you delete object, you don't (usually) have meaningful edits to your entity. What do you expect EF to do with then? Write? To what records?


One legitimate use for passing modified data to delete function is when you want to track deletes in some other table and you need to throw in some information not accessible at database layer, only at business layer. Examples include application level user name or reason to delete. In this situation you need to construct entity with this values as original values. One way to do it:


var x = db.MyTable.Single(k => k.Id == id_to_delete);
x.UserName = logged_in_user;
x.ReasonForChange = some_reason;
// [...]
db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(x, EntityState.Unchanged);

Of course, better strategy might be to do it openly in business layer.


I don't understand your use case with rowversion/timestamp.


  1. To avoid concurrency issues you pass original timestamp to modifying code. That way it can be compared to current value in database to detect if record changed since you last read it. Comparing it with new value makes little sense.


  2. You usually use change markers that are automatically updated by database like rowversion/timestamp in SQL Server, rowversion in Oracle or xmin in PostgreSQL. You don't change its value in your code.

    通常使用数据库自动更新的更改标记,如SQL Server中的rowversion/timestamp、Oracle中的rowversion或PostgreSQL中的xmin。在代码中不会改变它的值。

  3. Still, if you maintain row version manually, you need to provide:


    a) new version to insert and update to be written, and


    b) old version (read from database) to update and delete to check for concurrent changes.


    You don't send new value to delete. You don't need to. Also, when using stored procedures for modification, it's better to compute new version in the procedure and return it to application, not the other way around.




Hard to tell without seeing any code, but maybe when the postback occurs the page is being re-bound before your delete method is firing? On whatever method databinds the form controls (I assume it's OnLoad or OnInit), have you wrapped any databinding calls with if ( !this.IsPostBack ) { ... }?

在没有看到任何代码的情况下很难判断,但也许当回发发生时,在删除方法触发之前,页面正在被重新绑定?在窗体控件的任何方法databinds(我假设它是OnLoad或OnInit)上,都要使用if (!this)包装任何数据库调用。IsPostBack){…} ?

Also I'm not sure if there's a reason why you're explicitly storing the concurrency flag in viewstate/session variables, but a better way to do it (imo) is to add the timestamp to the DataKeyNames property of the FormView/GridView (ie: <asp:FormView ID='blah' runat='server' DataKeyNames='Id, Timestamp'>.


This way you don't have to worry about manually storing or updating the timestamp. ;)




Optimistic concurrency in EF works fine. Even with stored procedures.


ObjectContext.DeleteObjects passes original values of entity to delete function. This makes sense. Original values are used to identify the row to delete. When you delete object, you don't (usually) have meaningful edits to your entity. What do you expect EF to do with then? Write? To what records?


One legitimate use for passing modified data to delete function is when you want to track deletes in some other table and you need to throw in some information not accessible at database layer, only at business layer. Examples include application level user name or reason to delete. In this situation you need to construct entity with this values as original values. One way to do it:


var x = db.MyTable.Single(k => k.Id == id_to_delete);
x.UserName = logged_in_user;
x.ReasonForChange = some_reason;
// [...]
db.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(x, EntityState.Unchanged);

Of course, better strategy might be to do it openly in business layer.


I don't understand your use case with rowversion/timestamp.


  1. To avoid concurrency issues you pass original timestamp to modifying code. That way it can be compared to current value in database to detect if record changed since you last read it. Comparing it with new value makes little sense.


  2. You usually use change markers that are automatically updated by database like rowversion/timestamp in SQL Server, rowversion in Oracle or xmin in PostgreSQL. You don't change its value in your code.

    通常使用数据库自动更新的更改标记,如SQL Server中的rowversion/timestamp、Oracle中的rowversion或PostgreSQL中的xmin。在代码中不会改变它的值。

  3. Still, if you maintain row version manually, you need to provide:


    a) new version to insert and update to be written, and


    b) old version (read from database) to update and delete to check for concurrent changes.


    You don't send new value to delete. You don't need to. Also, when using stored procedures for modification, it's better to compute new version in the procedure and return it to application, not the other way around.




Hard to tell without seeing any code, but maybe when the postback occurs the page is being re-bound before your delete method is firing? On whatever method databinds the form controls (I assume it's OnLoad or OnInit), have you wrapped any databinding calls with if ( !this.IsPostBack ) { ... }?

在没有看到任何代码的情况下很难判断,但也许当回发发生时,在删除方法触发之前,页面正在被重新绑定?在窗体控件的任何方法databinds(我假设它是OnLoad或OnInit)上,都要使用if (!this)包装任何数据库调用。IsPostBack){…} ?

Also I'm not sure if there's a reason why you're explicitly storing the concurrency flag in viewstate/session variables, but a better way to do it (imo) is to add the timestamp to the DataKeyNames property of the FormView/GridView (ie: <asp:FormView ID='blah' runat='server' DataKeyNames='Id, Timestamp'>.


This way you don't have to worry about manually storing or updating the timestamp. ;)
