USE [HrMarket2007] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[CreateEntity] Script Date: 12/17/2014 10:06:26 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER proc [dbo].[CreateEntity] ( @tablename nvarchar(100) ) as if not object_id('tempdb..#temp_table') is null drop table #temp_table declare @cSharp varchar(max); --拼最后的C#语句 declare @fieldstotalcount int; --查看表中有多少个字段 declare @namespace varchar(20); --命名空间 declare @entityname varchar(100); --实体名称/也是表的简称 declare @primarykey varchar(20); --寻找主键 set @namespace='dbo'; if(charindex('.',@tablename))>0 begin set @namespace=SUBSTRING(@tablename,1, len(@tablename)-charindex('.',reverse(@tablename))); set @entityname=SUBSTRING(@tablename,len(@namespace)+2,len(@tablename)); end; /*寻找主键*/ set @primarykey=( select as 字段名 from sysindexes i inner join sysindexkeys k on = and i.indid = k.indid inner join sysobjects o on = inner join syscolumns c on and k.colid = c.colid where o.xtype = 'U' and and exists(select 1 from sysobjects where xtype = 'PK' and name =; with A as(select name,usertype from syscolumns Where ID=OBJECT_ID(@tablename)) select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select 0)) as num,name,usertype into #temp_table from A; set @fieldstotalcount=(select count(1) from #temp_table); set @cSharp = 'select ''using System;'' union all select ''using System.Collections.Generic;'' union all select ''using System.Linq;'' union all select ''using System.Runtime.Serialization;'' union all select ''using System.Security.Permissions;'' union all select ''using System.Text;'' union all select ''using System.Threading.Tasks;'' union all select ''using Drision.Framework.DAL;'' union all select ''using Drision.Framework.Interfaces;'' union all select '' '' union all select ''namespace HrMarket.Entity.'+@namespace+''' union all select ''{'' union all select '' [DrxTable]'' union all select '' public class '+@entityname+' : BaseEntity'' union all select '' {'' union all select '' public '+@entityname+'() {}'' ' begin try if(@fieldstotalcount=0) return; set @cSharp = @cSharp + 'union all select '' '' union all select '' #region DB字段'' union all select '' '' ' declare @i int; set @i=1; while(@i<=@fieldstotalcount) begin declare @fieldName nvarchar(100); declare @fieldType nvarchar(100); set @fieldName=(select name from #temp_table where num=@i); if(@fieldName=@primarykey) begin set @cSharp = @cSharp + 'union all select '' [DrxColumn(IsPrimaryKey = true)]'''; end else begin set @cSharp = @cSharp + 'union all select '' [DrxColumn]'''; end set @fieldType=(select case usertype when 0 then 'string' when 7 then 'int' when 10 then 'long' when 12 then 'DateTime?' when 20 then 'byte[]' else '这是新的字段类型,需补充' end from #temp_table where num=@i); set @cSharp = @cSharp + 'union all select '' public '+@fieldType+' '+@fieldName+' { get; set; }'''; set @i=@i+1; end set @cSharp = @cSharp + 'union all select '' #endregion''' set @cSharp = @cSharp + 'union all select '' }'' union all select ''}'' '; exec(@cSharp) --select @primarykey end try begin catch select error_number() AS ErrorNumber; end catch;