
时间:2021-02-10 02:06:28

I'm writing a bit of code for a class, but since I have no experience in C I'm a bit unsure of what the code I've written actually does. Particularly what the memory looks like. Here's the relevant bits:


typedef struct listnode *Node;
typedef struct listnode {
    void *data;
    Node next;
    Node previous;
} Listnode;

typedef struct listhead *LIST;
typedef struct listhead {
    int size;
    Node first;
    Node last;
    Node current;
} Listhead;

#define HALLOCSIZE 50

static LIST hallocbuf[HALLOCSIZE];
static LIST *hallocp = hallocbuf;

LIST *CreateList()
    if(hallocbuf + HALLOCSIZE - hallocp >= 1)
        LIST temp;
        temp->size = 0;
        temp->first = NULL;
        temp->last = NULL;
        temp->current = NULL;

        *hallocp = temp;
        return hallocp;

        return NULL;

So my question is, in the CreateList function, how is the program allocating memory for temp? And does the code *hallocp = temp copy the temp LIST into the hallocbuf array? I am trying to have all my LIST structs sit in the allocated memory for hallocbuf. Is this what I'm doing? I'm a bit uncertain of how the typedef, structs and pointers play together.

我的问题是,在CreateList函数中,程序是如何为temp分配内存的?代码*hallocp = temp是否将临时列表复制到hallocbuf数组中?我试图让我的列表结构都位于hallocbuf的分配内存中。这就是我要做的吗?我有点不确定typedef、struct和指针是如何一起运行的。



3 个解决方案



So my question is, in the CreateList function, how is the program allocating memory for temp?


It isn't, which is a problem. It should do something like this:


temp = malloc(sizeof(Listhead));

And does the code *hallocp = temp copy the temp LIST into the hallocbuf array?

代码*hallocp = temp是否将临时列表复制到hallocbuf数组中?

It copies the pointer that was saved in temp into the first element of hallocbuf (assuming that hallocp hasn't been changed anywhere and still has the value that it has been initialized to, pointing to hallocbuf[0]).


Generally it's not usually a good idea to hide the fact that LIST and Node are pointers behind typedefs. It's much clearer where memory needs to be allocated of freed if it's obvious which variables are pointer, and having an explicit * in the variable declaration makes that clear.




temp is allocated in the space used for objects with "automatic storage duration" - this is usually on a runtime stack, but you don't really need to know the details. The space is deallocated when the block in which it was allocated is exited (in your case, when you hit the return).


The line *hallocp = temp; does indeed copy the value of temp into the memory that hallocp is pointing at, which is hallocbuf[0].

行*hallocp = temp;确实将temp的值复制到hallocp指向的内存中,也就是hallocbuf[0]。

The problem is that temp is just a pointer itself - and it's not pointing at anything. This is called a "dangling pointer". This means that when you try to access what it's pointing at, you have an error. That happens in these lines:


temp->size = 0;
temp->first = NULL;
temp->last = NULL;
temp->current = NULL;

You can't have your structs sit in the memory allocated for hallocbuf, because it doesn't have room for structs - it's just an array of pointers, not an array of structs.




If LIST were


typedef struct listhead LIST;

and you accessed temp


temp.size = 0;



*hallocp++ = temp;

would use hallocp as a pointer into the hallocbuf buffer and place the newly initialized element there. Not the best way to do it, though. You could replace temp with


hallocp->size = 0;



So my question is, in the CreateList function, how is the program allocating memory for temp?


It isn't, which is a problem. It should do something like this:


temp = malloc(sizeof(Listhead));

And does the code *hallocp = temp copy the temp LIST into the hallocbuf array?

代码*hallocp = temp是否将临时列表复制到hallocbuf数组中?

It copies the pointer that was saved in temp into the first element of hallocbuf (assuming that hallocp hasn't been changed anywhere and still has the value that it has been initialized to, pointing to hallocbuf[0]).


Generally it's not usually a good idea to hide the fact that LIST and Node are pointers behind typedefs. It's much clearer where memory needs to be allocated of freed if it's obvious which variables are pointer, and having an explicit * in the variable declaration makes that clear.




temp is allocated in the space used for objects with "automatic storage duration" - this is usually on a runtime stack, but you don't really need to know the details. The space is deallocated when the block in which it was allocated is exited (in your case, when you hit the return).


The line *hallocp = temp; does indeed copy the value of temp into the memory that hallocp is pointing at, which is hallocbuf[0].

行*hallocp = temp;确实将temp的值复制到hallocp指向的内存中,也就是hallocbuf[0]。

The problem is that temp is just a pointer itself - and it's not pointing at anything. This is called a "dangling pointer". This means that when you try to access what it's pointing at, you have an error. That happens in these lines:


temp->size = 0;
temp->first = NULL;
temp->last = NULL;
temp->current = NULL;

You can't have your structs sit in the memory allocated for hallocbuf, because it doesn't have room for structs - it's just an array of pointers, not an array of structs.




If LIST were


typedef struct listhead LIST;

and you accessed temp


temp.size = 0;



*hallocp++ = temp;

would use hallocp as a pointer into the hallocbuf buffer and place the newly initialized element there. Not the best way to do it, though. You could replace temp with


hallocp->size = 0;