将存储过程的返回类型设置为自动 - 使用实体框架生成

时间:2021-11-12 02:06:02

In LINQ2SQL it was possible to set the return type of a stored procedure to auto generated. I am unable to do so with the Entity Framework.


I want to set the return type of a stored procdure to auto-generated with the Entity Framework. Is this possible?

我想将存储过程的返回类型设置为使用Entity Framework自动生成。这可能吗?

Kind regards.

1 个解决方案



Entity Framework V1 has good support for working with Stored Procedures directly with entities (as Insert/Update/Delete operations) but as you have discovered, out of the box the support for SPs as functions on your ObjectContext is poor. They pretty much always have to map perfectly to an existing entity in your model as the expectation was you would then do changes to the returned results from the SP and hence would want to work with them as entities. Clearly this is not always the case.


Thankfully there are extensions for EF v1 which include improved support for SPs. Download the extensions here.

值得庆幸的是,EF v1有扩展,包括对SP的改进支持。在此处下载扩展程序。

EF v2 will have better support.

EF v2将获得更好的支持。



Entity Framework V1 has good support for working with Stored Procedures directly with entities (as Insert/Update/Delete operations) but as you have discovered, out of the box the support for SPs as functions on your ObjectContext is poor. They pretty much always have to map perfectly to an existing entity in your model as the expectation was you would then do changes to the returned results from the SP and hence would want to work with them as entities. Clearly this is not always the case.


Thankfully there are extensions for EF v1 which include improved support for SPs. Download the extensions here.

值得庆幸的是,EF v1有扩展,包括对SP的改进支持。在此处下载扩展程序。

EF v2 will have better support.

EF v2将获得更好的支持。