在微软的SQL Server中是否存在一个布尔数据类型,比如MySQL?

时间:2021-05-04 16:24:57

Is there a Boolean data type in Microsoft SQL Server like there is in MySQL?

在微软的SQL Server中是否存在一个布尔数据类型,比如MySQL?

If so, what is the alternative in MS SQL Server?

如果是的话,在MS SQL Server中还有什么可选的呢?

8 个解决方案



You could use the BIT datatype to represent boolean data. A BIT field's value is either 1,0 or null.




You may want to use the BIT data type, probably setting is as NOT NULL:

您可能想要使用位数据类型,可能设置为NOT NULL:

Quoting the MSDN article:


bit (Transact-SQL)

位(transact - sql)

An integer data type that can take a value of 1, 0, or NULL.


The SQL Server Database Engine optimizes storage of bit columns. If there are 8 or less bit columns in a table, the columns are stored as 1 byte. If there are from 9 up to 16 bit columns, the columns are stored as 2 bytes, and so on.

SQL Server数据库引擎优化位列的存储。如果一个表中有8个或更少的位列,那么列将存储为1个字节。如果有9到16位的列,这些列将被存储为2字节,依此类推。

The string values TRUE and FALSE can be converted to bit values: TRUE is converted to 1 and FALSE is converted to 0.




You are looking for a bit. It stores 1 or 0 (or NULL).

Alternatively, you could use the strings 'true' and 'false' in place of 1 or 0, like so-


declare @b1 bit = 'false'
print @b1                    --prints 0

declare @b2 bit = 'true'
print @b2                    --prints 1

Also, any non 0 value (either positive or negative) evaluates to (or converts to in some cases) a 1.

同样,任何非0值(或正值或负值)的计算结果都是(或在某些情况下转换为)a 1。

declare @i int = -42
print cast(@i as bit)    --will print 1, because @i is not 0

Note that SQL Server uses three valued logic (true, false, and NULL), since NULL is a possible value of the bit data type. Here are the relevant truth tables-

注意,SQL Server使用三个值逻辑(true、false和NULL),因为NULL是位数据类型的一个可能值。以下是相关的真相表格

在微软的SQL Server中是否存在一个布尔数据类型,比如MySQL?

More information on three valued logic-


Example of three valued logic in SQL Server

SQL Server中三值逻辑的示例







There is boolean data type in SQL Server. Its values can be TRUE, FALSE or UNKNOWN. However, the boolean data type is only the result of a boolean expression containing some combination of comparison operators (e.g. =, <>, <, >=) or logical operators (e.g. AND, OR, IN, EXISTS). Boolean expressions are only allowed in a handful of places including the WHERE clause, HAVING clause, the WHEN clause of a CASE expression or the predicate of an IF or WHILE flow control statement.

SQL Server中有布尔数据类型。它的值可以是TRUE、FALSE或UNKNOWN。但是,布尔数据类型仅是包含比较运算符(例如=、<>、<、>=)或逻辑运算符(例如AND、IN)组合的布尔表达式的结果。布尔表达式只允许在少数地方使用,包括WHERE子句、have子句、CASE表达式的WHEN子句或IF或WHILE流控制语句的谓词。

For all other usages, including the data type of a column in a table, boolean is not allowed. For those other usages, the BIT data type is preferred. It behaves like a narrowed-down INTEGER which allows only the values 0, 1 and NULL, unless further restricted with a NOT NULL column constraint or a CHECK constraint.

对于所有其他用途,包括表中列的数据类型,布尔值是不允许的。对于那些其他用法,比特数据类型是首选。它的行为类似于一个narrove -down整数,它只允许值0,1和NULL,除非进一步限制为非空列约束或检查约束。

To use a BIT column in a boolean expression it needs to be compared using a comparison operator such as =, <> or IS NULL. e.g.


FROM answers AS a
WHERE a.is_accepted = 0;

From a formatting perspective, a bit value is typically displayed as 0 or 1 in client software. When a more user-friendly format is required, and it can't be handled at an application tier in front of the database, it can be converted "just-in-time" using a CASE expression e.g.


    CASE a.is_accepted WHEN 1 THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END AS is_accepted
FROM answers AS a;

Storing boolean values as a character data type like char(1) or varchar(5) is also possible, but that is much less clear, has more storage/network overhead, and requires CHECK constraints on each column to restrict illegal values.


For reference, the schema of answers table would be similar to:


CREATE TABLE answers (
    answer_body nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL,
    is_accepted bit NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)



Use the Bit datatype. It has values 1 and 0 when dealing with it in native T-SQL




You can use Bit DataType in SQL Server to store boolean data.

您可以在SQL Server中使用位数据类型来存储布尔数据。



SQL Server uses the Bit datatype

SQL Server使用位数据类型



I use TINYINT(1)datatype in order to store boolean values in SQL Server though BIT is very effective

我使用TINYINT(1)数据类型来在SQL Server中存储布尔值,尽管BIT非常有效



You could use the BIT datatype to represent boolean data. A BIT field's value is either 1,0 or null.




You may want to use the BIT data type, probably setting is as NOT NULL:

您可能想要使用位数据类型,可能设置为NOT NULL:

Quoting the MSDN article:


bit (Transact-SQL)

位(transact - sql)

An integer data type that can take a value of 1, 0, or NULL.


The SQL Server Database Engine optimizes storage of bit columns. If there are 8 or less bit columns in a table, the columns are stored as 1 byte. If there are from 9 up to 16 bit columns, the columns are stored as 2 bytes, and so on.

SQL Server数据库引擎优化位列的存储。如果一个表中有8个或更少的位列,那么列将存储为1个字节。如果有9到16位的列,这些列将被存储为2字节,依此类推。

The string values TRUE and FALSE can be converted to bit values: TRUE is converted to 1 and FALSE is converted to 0.




You are looking for a bit. It stores 1 or 0 (or NULL).

Alternatively, you could use the strings 'true' and 'false' in place of 1 or 0, like so-


declare @b1 bit = 'false'
print @b1                    --prints 0

declare @b2 bit = 'true'
print @b2                    --prints 1

Also, any non 0 value (either positive or negative) evaluates to (or converts to in some cases) a 1.

同样,任何非0值(或正值或负值)的计算结果都是(或在某些情况下转换为)a 1。

declare @i int = -42
print cast(@i as bit)    --will print 1, because @i is not 0

Note that SQL Server uses three valued logic (true, false, and NULL), since NULL is a possible value of the bit data type. Here are the relevant truth tables-

注意,SQL Server使用三个值逻辑(true、false和NULL),因为NULL是位数据类型的一个可能值。以下是相关的真相表格

在微软的SQL Server中是否存在一个布尔数据类型,比如MySQL?

More information on three valued logic-


Example of three valued logic in SQL Server

SQL Server中三值逻辑的示例







There is boolean data type in SQL Server. Its values can be TRUE, FALSE or UNKNOWN. However, the boolean data type is only the result of a boolean expression containing some combination of comparison operators (e.g. =, <>, <, >=) or logical operators (e.g. AND, OR, IN, EXISTS). Boolean expressions are only allowed in a handful of places including the WHERE clause, HAVING clause, the WHEN clause of a CASE expression or the predicate of an IF or WHILE flow control statement.

SQL Server中有布尔数据类型。它的值可以是TRUE、FALSE或UNKNOWN。但是,布尔数据类型仅是包含比较运算符(例如=、<>、<、>=)或逻辑运算符(例如AND、IN)组合的布尔表达式的结果。布尔表达式只允许在少数地方使用,包括WHERE子句、have子句、CASE表达式的WHEN子句或IF或WHILE流控制语句的谓词。

For all other usages, including the data type of a column in a table, boolean is not allowed. For those other usages, the BIT data type is preferred. It behaves like a narrowed-down INTEGER which allows only the values 0, 1 and NULL, unless further restricted with a NOT NULL column constraint or a CHECK constraint.

对于所有其他用途,包括表中列的数据类型,布尔值是不允许的。对于那些其他用法,比特数据类型是首选。它的行为类似于一个narrove -down整数,它只允许值0,1和NULL,除非进一步限制为非空列约束或检查约束。

To use a BIT column in a boolean expression it needs to be compared using a comparison operator such as =, <> or IS NULL. e.g.


FROM answers AS a
WHERE a.is_accepted = 0;

From a formatting perspective, a bit value is typically displayed as 0 or 1 in client software. When a more user-friendly format is required, and it can't be handled at an application tier in front of the database, it can be converted "just-in-time" using a CASE expression e.g.


    CASE a.is_accepted WHEN 1 THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END AS is_accepted
FROM answers AS a;

Storing boolean values as a character data type like char(1) or varchar(5) is also possible, but that is much less clear, has more storage/network overhead, and requires CHECK constraints on each column to restrict illegal values.


For reference, the schema of answers table would be similar to:


CREATE TABLE answers (
    answer_body nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL,
    is_accepted bit NOT NULL DEFAULT (0)



Use the Bit datatype. It has values 1 and 0 when dealing with it in native T-SQL




You can use Bit DataType in SQL Server to store boolean data.

您可以在SQL Server中使用位数据类型来存储布尔数据。



SQL Server uses the Bit datatype

SQL Server使用位数据类型



I use TINYINT(1)datatype in order to store boolean values in SQL Server though BIT is very effective

我使用TINYINT(1)数据类型来在SQL Server中存储布尔值,尽管BIT非常有效