如何获取SQL Server 2008中当前周的开始日期?

时间:2022-04-01 01:43:14

using: SQL Server 2008r2 via: aspx HTML page

使用:SQL Server 2008r2 via:aspx HTML页面

I need to find the start date for the current week. It does not matter if it gives me Sunday's date or Monday's date, but I need to be able to find all transactions this week, for example.


Also, if someone can point me to a page that explains all the Date functions in SQL2008 that would be splendid too!


I searched around and found not much that was applicable (either I didn't search with the right keywords or there literally is no-one who has asked this before!)


1 个解决方案



A combination of dateadd and datediff will accomplish this.


select dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)

Note that wk is the abbreviation for the week datepart parameter in dateadd.

请注意,wk是dateadd中week datepart参数的缩写。

This MSDN page clearly and comprehensively explains the Date (and Time) methods in SQL 2008 R2.

此MSDN页面清楚而全面地解释了SQL 2008 R2中的日期(和时间)方法。



A combination of dateadd and datediff will accomplish this.


select dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)

Note that wk is the abbreviation for the week datepart parameter in dateadd.

请注意,wk是dateadd中week datepart参数的缩写。

This MSDN page clearly and comprehensively explains the Date (and Time) methods in SQL 2008 R2.

此MSDN页面清楚而全面地解释了SQL 2008 R2中的日期(和时间)方法。