如何从SQL Server的日期到日期获取记录

时间:2022-06-02 22:15:23

am going to explain it in pictures and Source Code


Front Design

如何从SQL Server的日期到日期获取记录

Back-end Code

private void AddRecord(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        string date = datee.Text + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();
        if (datee.Text == "" || cusname.SelectedValue == null || Vanda.SelectedValue == null || price.SelectedValue == null || bags.Text == "")
            MessageBox.Show("please fill the data");

            DataRowView dt = (DataRowView)Vanda.SelectedItem;
            string vda = dt["vanda"].ToString();
            DataRowView dt2 = (DataRowView)price.SelectedItem;
            string data2 = dt2["price"].ToString();
            decimal dta = Convert.ToDecimal(data2);
            Int32 pricee = Convert.ToInt32(dta);
            decimal bag = Convert.ToDecimal(bags.Text);
            decimal credit = pricee * bag;
            DataRowView cus = (DataRowView)cusname.SelectedItem;

            string cusidd = cus["id"].ToString();
            int cusid = Convert.ToInt16(cusidd);
            SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("SELECT price - retailprice FROM vanda where vanda = '" + vda + "' and price = '" + pricee + "'", con);
            SqlDataReader reader = cmd5.ExecuteReader();
            string val = reader.GetValue(0).ToString();
            decimal valu = Convert.ToDecimal(val);
            Int32 profit = Convert.ToInt32(valu);
            SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("insert into records (cusid,datee,description,vanda,price,bag,credit,debit,profit) values ('" + cusid + "','" + date + "','" + des.Text + "','" + vda + "','" + pricee + "','" + bags.Text + "','" + credit + "','','"+profit+"')", con);
            MessageBox.Show("Data Inserted");  



DataGrid Code

private void enddate_SelectedDateChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (startdate.Text == "")
            MessageBox.Show("Please Select Starting Date");
            SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(" i need here Query ", con);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            data.DataContext = ds.Tables[0];


SQL Server Database

SQL Server数据库

如何从SQL Server的日期到日期获取记录

i hope you will understand it clearly. now clear the bugs and improve my code/logic/query (^_^). bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

我希望你能清楚地理解它。现在清除错误并改进我的代码/逻辑/查询(^ _ ^)。 bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

3 个解决方案



First, your SQL should be using named parameters to avoid SQL Injection Attacks:


select r.datee,c.name,r.description,r.vanda,r.price,r.bag,r.credit,r.debit
from records as r,
     customer as c 
where r.cusid = c.id 
      and c.name = @cname
      and r.datee BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate

When you create these variables, which you will pass into your query, format them as follows:


var startDate = DateTime.Parse(datee.Text).ToString("M/d/yyyy");
var endDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy") + " 23:59:59";

This will convert the date values to the format your database expects.




select r.datee,c.name,r.description,r.vanda,r.price,r.bag,r.credit,r.debit 
from records  r
JOIN    customer  c ON  r.cusid = c.id 
WHERE c.name = 'aizaz' AND DateColumn BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDATE



The database doesn't store the dates in any specific string format. A date is a date and it has no specific format. Formatting the output of a date is a UI thing.


You get the actual DateTime value of a DatePicker using the SelectedDate property. You should use pass these values as parameters to your command:


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select r.datee,c.name,r.description,r.vanda,r.price,r.bag,r.credit,r.debit from records as r, customer as c where r.cusid = c.id and c.name = @cname and r.datee BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate");
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", datePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Date);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", datePicker2.SelectedDate.Value.Date.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59));



First, your SQL should be using named parameters to avoid SQL Injection Attacks:


select r.datee,c.name,r.description,r.vanda,r.price,r.bag,r.credit,r.debit
from records as r,
     customer as c 
where r.cusid = c.id 
      and c.name = @cname
      and r.datee BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate

When you create these variables, which you will pass into your query, format them as follows:


var startDate = DateTime.Parse(datee.Text).ToString("M/d/yyyy");
var endDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("M/d/yyyy") + " 23:59:59";

This will convert the date values to the format your database expects.




select r.datee,c.name,r.description,r.vanda,r.price,r.bag,r.credit,r.debit 
from records  r
JOIN    customer  c ON  r.cusid = c.id 
WHERE c.name = 'aizaz' AND DateColumn BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDATE



The database doesn't store the dates in any specific string format. A date is a date and it has no specific format. Formatting the output of a date is a UI thing.


You get the actual DateTime value of a DatePicker using the SelectedDate property. You should use pass these values as parameters to your command:


SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select r.datee,c.name,r.description,r.vanda,r.price,r.bag,r.credit,r.debit from records as r, customer as c where r.cusid = c.id and c.name = @cname and r.datee BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate");
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startDate", datePicker1.SelectedDate.Value.Date);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@endDate", datePicker2.SelectedDate.Value.Date.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59));