
时间:2022-03-13 00:07:31

I have been using a lot of floats recently like this:


<div id="buttons">
  <input type="button" id="btn1" value="Button One">
  <input type="button" id="btn2" value="Button Two">
  <input type="button" id="btn3" value="Button Three">

Sometimes I'll float a button to the right. Sometimes I'll float all of them to the right. This is where the problem starts. It really throws the flow off if I do that so I have to keep putting in these:


<div style="clear:both;"></div>

at the end. That throws off the layout if I'm not floating them all.


Is there a good solution to this?


5 个解决方案


Yes, use overflow: hidden on the container ie:


<style type="text/css">
#buttons { overflow: hidden; }


This is a big part of the CSS learning curve. When you float items, their containing element no longer takes the vertical height of the floated elements into account. There are a couple of solutions you could use to get around your dilemma.


Simply specify a hight for your #button container to the hight of your buttons:


#button { height: 30px; }

A fancier solution would be the clearfix hack. It's pretty bullet proof and will also do the trick without the need to add the extra markup and inline CSS.

一个更好的解决方案是clearfix hack。它非常具有防弹功能,并且无需添加额外的标记和内联CSS即可完成。

#buttons:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;
    line-height: 0;
    height: 0;

#buttons {
    display: inline-block;

html[xmlns] #buttons {
    display: block;

* html #buttons {
    height: 1%;


When you float items with CSS, they're removed from the natural flow state of the page.


If they're in a container DIV, that will shift the item out and have its parent not see where the child elements have gone. The container would then shrink back to boxing as much of the area as if the elements were not even there in the first place.


In order to cover for that, you have to specify overflow:hidden for the property of the container.


By default, it is set to visible and will allow anything to just "fall out" of the box if it has been floated as such.


Correct it by setting this in your CSS:



This will now constrain the floating elements to show within the context and confines of the parent DIV.



As long as you define the overflow of the parent, it will clear all floats.


Use overflow:auto on the parent, and your good to go!



(I have heard this works using display:inherit as well, but have not tried.)



Usually, the best options are the clearfix method or the method of setting 'overflow: hidden' on the containing parent.


In your specific example you do have another option: you could not float any of the inputs at all, and set 'text-align: right' on #buttons


#buttons {
    text-align: right;

While I rely on 'overflow: hidden' quite a bit, it is worth noting that if you're trying to position any elements outside (or partially outside) of the containing element that has 'overflow: hidden' set on it, the positioned elements will be clipped off at the boundary of the containing element. (this doesn't come up too often, but is a "gotcha" to look out for.)

虽然我依赖'溢出:隐藏'相当多,但值得注意的是,如果你试图将任何元素放置在包含'overflow:hidden'的包含元素的外部(或部分外部),则定位元素将在包含元素的边界处被剪切掉。 (这种情况并不常见,但需要注意的是“陷阱”。)

You might also find the blog post "Lessons Learned Concerning the Clearfix CSS Hack" by Jeff Starr interesting.

您可能还会发现Jeff Starr博客文章“关于Clearfix CSS Hack的经验教训”很有趣。


Yes, use overflow: hidden on the container ie:


<style type="text/css">
#buttons { overflow: hidden; }


This is a big part of the CSS learning curve. When you float items, their containing element no longer takes the vertical height of the floated elements into account. There are a couple of solutions you could use to get around your dilemma.


Simply specify a hight for your #button container to the hight of your buttons:


#button { height: 30px; }

A fancier solution would be the clearfix hack. It's pretty bullet proof and will also do the trick without the need to add the extra markup and inline CSS.

一个更好的解决方案是clearfix hack。它非常具有防弹功能,并且无需添加额外的标记和内联CSS即可完成。

#buttons:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;
    line-height: 0;
    height: 0;

#buttons {
    display: inline-block;

html[xmlns] #buttons {
    display: block;

* html #buttons {
    height: 1%;


When you float items with CSS, they're removed from the natural flow state of the page.


If they're in a container DIV, that will shift the item out and have its parent not see where the child elements have gone. The container would then shrink back to boxing as much of the area as if the elements were not even there in the first place.


In order to cover for that, you have to specify overflow:hidden for the property of the container.


By default, it is set to visible and will allow anything to just "fall out" of the box if it has been floated as such.


Correct it by setting this in your CSS:



This will now constrain the floating elements to show within the context and confines of the parent DIV.



As long as you define the overflow of the parent, it will clear all floats.


Use overflow:auto on the parent, and your good to go!



(I have heard this works using display:inherit as well, but have not tried.)



Usually, the best options are the clearfix method or the method of setting 'overflow: hidden' on the containing parent.


In your specific example you do have another option: you could not float any of the inputs at all, and set 'text-align: right' on #buttons


#buttons {
    text-align: right;

While I rely on 'overflow: hidden' quite a bit, it is worth noting that if you're trying to position any elements outside (or partially outside) of the containing element that has 'overflow: hidden' set on it, the positioned elements will be clipped off at the boundary of the containing element. (this doesn't come up too often, but is a "gotcha" to look out for.)

虽然我依赖'溢出:隐藏'相当多,但值得注意的是,如果你试图将任何元素放置在包含'overflow:hidden'的包含元素的外部(或部分外部),则定位元素将在包含元素的边界处被剪切掉。 (这种情况并不常见,但需要注意的是“陷阱”。)

You might also find the blog post "Lessons Learned Concerning the Clearfix CSS Hack" by Jeff Starr interesting.

您可能还会发现Jeff Starr博客文章“关于Clearfix CSS Hack的经验教训”很有趣。