SQL Server 2005是否可以扩展到大量数据库?

时间:2021-08-01 23:49:21

If I add 3-400 databases to a single SQL Server instance will I encounter scaling issues introduced by the large number of databases?

如果我将3-400个数据库添加到单个SQL Server实例中,是否会遇到大量数据库引入的扩展问题?

3 个解决方案



This is one of those questions best answered by: Why are you trying to do this in the first place? What is the concurrency against those databases? Are you generating databases when you could have normalized tables to do the same functionality?


That said, yes MSSQL 2005 will handle that level of database per installation. It will more or less be what you are doing with the databases which will seriously impede your performance (incoming connections, CPU usage, etc.)

也就是说,是的MSSQL 2005将处理每个安装的数据库级别。它或多或少会与您正在使用的数据库有关,这会严重影响您的性能(传入连接,CPU使用情况等)



According to Joel Spolsky in the SO podcast # 11 you will in any version up to 2005, however this is supposedly fixed in SQL Server 2005.

据SO播客#11中的Joel Spolsky所说,你将在2005年之前的任何版本中使用,但是这可以在SQL Server 2005中修复。

You can see the transcript from the podcast here.




I have never tried this in 2005. But a company I used to work for tried this on 7.0 and it failed miserably. With 2000 things got a lot better but querying across databases was still painfully slow and took too many system resources. I can only imagine things improved again in 2005.

我从来没有在2005年试过这个。但是我曾经工作过的公司在7.0上试过这个并且它失败了。 2000年的事情变得更好但是跨数据库的查询仍然非常缓慢并且占用了太多的系统资源。我只能想象2005年的情况会再次改善。

Are you querying across the databases or just hosting them on the same server? If you are querying across the databases, I think you need to take another look at your data architecture and find other ways to separate the data. If it's just a hosting issue, you can always try it out and move off databases to other servers as capacity is reached.


Sorry, I don't have a definite answer here.




This is one of those questions best answered by: Why are you trying to do this in the first place? What is the concurrency against those databases? Are you generating databases when you could have normalized tables to do the same functionality?


That said, yes MSSQL 2005 will handle that level of database per installation. It will more or less be what you are doing with the databases which will seriously impede your performance (incoming connections, CPU usage, etc.)

也就是说,是的MSSQL 2005将处理每个安装的数据库级别。它或多或少会与您正在使用的数据库有关,这会严重影响您的性能(传入连接,CPU使用情况等)



According to Joel Spolsky in the SO podcast # 11 you will in any version up to 2005, however this is supposedly fixed in SQL Server 2005.

据SO播客#11中的Joel Spolsky所说,你将在2005年之前的任何版本中使用,但是这可以在SQL Server 2005中修复。

You can see the transcript from the podcast here.




I have never tried this in 2005. But a company I used to work for tried this on 7.0 and it failed miserably. With 2000 things got a lot better but querying across databases was still painfully slow and took too many system resources. I can only imagine things improved again in 2005.

我从来没有在2005年试过这个。但是我曾经工作过的公司在7.0上试过这个并且它失败了。 2000年的事情变得更好但是跨数据库的查询仍然非常缓慢并且占用了太多的系统资源。我只能想象2005年的情况会再次改善。

Are you querying across the databases or just hosting them on the same server? If you are querying across the databases, I think you need to take another look at your data architecture and find other ways to separate the data. If it's just a hosting issue, you can always try it out and move off databases to other servers as capacity is reached.


Sorry, I don't have a definite answer here.
