是否可以限制SQL Server 2005中角色/登录的连接数?

时间:2021-02-16 12:47:57

e.g. Make it so that you could limit it to a max 2 connections for a given technical account, the third connection being blocked repeatedly until one of the others is given up


3 个解决方案



Yes but you need a tiny bit of SQL code. You can enforce any policy you like by creating a Logon Trigger. This trigger is new to SQL Server 2005 SP2 (it is not in RTM version afaik) and is run every time a connection is established, before any statement is accepted from said connection. Make sure you use a proper EXECUTE AS clause for your trigger. In the trigger you can inspect sys.dm_exec_sessions and sys.dm_exec_connections and decide if the new connection is allowed yes/no. Pleas note that on SQL 2005 the number of sessions is not necessarily equal with the number of connections, because of MARS. You should decide your policy if you allow 2 connections or 2 sessions.

是的但你需要一点点SQL代码。您可以通过创建登录触发器来强制执行您喜欢的任何策略。此触发器是SQL Server 2005 SP2的新增功能(它不是RTM版本afaik),并且在每次建立连接时运行,在从所述连接接受任何语句之前。确保为触发器使用正确的EXECUTE AS子句。在触发器中,您可以检查sys.dm_exec_sessions和sys.dm_exec_connections,并确定是否允许新连接是/否。请注意,在SQL 2005上,由于MARS,会话数不一定等于连接数。如果您允许2个连接或2个会话,则应确定您的策略。



To my knowledge this is not possible through the SQL Server Security implementation itself.

据我所知,这不可能通过SQL Server安全实现本身实现。

You can however, globally configure the maximum number of connections to SQL Server.

但是,您可以全局配置到SQL Server的最大连接数。

I believe would need to control/filter/screen all connections to SQL Server, externally to the database engine, in order to achieve this.

我认为需要控制/过滤/屏蔽SQL Server外部与数据库引擎的所有连接,以实现这一目标。



You can't do it declaratively on the server side. You could certainly do it in tsql code if you want to trust the application to enforce itself.




Yes but you need a tiny bit of SQL code. You can enforce any policy you like by creating a Logon Trigger. This trigger is new to SQL Server 2005 SP2 (it is not in RTM version afaik) and is run every time a connection is established, before any statement is accepted from said connection. Make sure you use a proper EXECUTE AS clause for your trigger. In the trigger you can inspect sys.dm_exec_sessions and sys.dm_exec_connections and decide if the new connection is allowed yes/no. Pleas note that on SQL 2005 the number of sessions is not necessarily equal with the number of connections, because of MARS. You should decide your policy if you allow 2 connections or 2 sessions.

是的但你需要一点点SQL代码。您可以通过创建登录触发器来强制执行您喜欢的任何策略。此触发器是SQL Server 2005 SP2的新增功能(它不是RTM版本afaik),并且在每次建立连接时运行,在从所述连接接受任何语句之前。确保为触发器使用正确的EXECUTE AS子句。在触发器中,您可以检查sys.dm_exec_sessions和sys.dm_exec_connections,并确定是否允许新连接是/否。请注意,在SQL 2005上,由于MARS,会话数不一定等于连接数。如果您允许2个连接或2个会话,则应确定您的策略。



To my knowledge this is not possible through the SQL Server Security implementation itself.

据我所知,这不可能通过SQL Server安全实现本身实现。

You can however, globally configure the maximum number of connections to SQL Server.

但是,您可以全局配置到SQL Server的最大连接数。

I believe would need to control/filter/screen all connections to SQL Server, externally to the database engine, in order to achieve this.

我认为需要控制/过滤/屏蔽SQL Server外部与数据库引擎的所有连接,以实现这一目标。



You can't do it declaratively on the server side. You could certainly do it in tsql code if you want to trust the application to enforce itself.
