I'm trying to have an array of pointers (int *a[10]
) and then use a range based for loop (as in the C++11 standard). However, the compiler complains D: - it says "error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘int&’ from expression of type ‘int*’".
我正在尝试使用一个指针数组(int * a [10]),然后使用基于for循环的范围(如C ++ 11标准)。但是,编译器抱怨D: - 它表示“错误:从类型'int *'的表达式中无效初始化类型'int&'的引用”。
My code is basically:
int *a[10];
for(int& e : a){}
I had also tried: //... for(int* e : a){}
我也尝试过:// ... for(int * e:a){}
But having neither, inside the loop body, *e = 1
or e = 1
但是,在循环体内,* e = 1或e = 1都没有。
I've read this question which links me to this page; by reading that, I think I understand that the container you're trying to iterate over must implement a begin()
and an end()
methods. I guess the primitive arrays don't implement these; is that the case? Also, is it the case that int& a = c;
makes a have the same address as c, for some int c
我已经阅读了这个将我链接到此页面的问题;通过阅读,我想我明白你试图迭代的容器必须实现begin()和end()方法。我猜原始数组不实现这些;是这样吗?还有,int&a = c;对于一些int c,使得与c具有相同的地址?
Is there another alternative?
2 个解决方案
*e = 1
suggests that you want to make 10 pointers to 10 integers, each of which has the value 1.
* e = 1表示你想要10个指针指向10个整数,每个整数的值为1。
First, you need to have a loop that references all the 10 pointers:
int* a[10];
for(int*& e : a) // Reference so you can modify a.
Then, you need to create 10 pointers:
e = new int;
and those have to be pointers to the value 1 so we complete the statement
*e = 1;
or shorter
e = new int (1);
When cleaning up, you'd have a similar loop:
for (int& e : a) {
delete e;
e = nullptr;
It's an array of int*
, so of course you can't iterate over it using a variable of type int
, that isn't the type of object in the array!
它是一个int *数组,所以你当然不能使用int类型的变量迭代它,这不是数组中对象的类型!
The objects in the array are int*
so that's what your loop variable needs to be.
数组中的对象是int *,这就是你的循环变量需要的东西。
for (int* e : a) ...
for (int*& e : a) ...
Or simply:
for (auto& e : a) ...
*e = 1
suggests that you want to make 10 pointers to 10 integers, each of which has the value 1.
* e = 1表示你想要10个指针指向10个整数,每个整数的值为1。
First, you need to have a loop that references all the 10 pointers:
int* a[10];
for(int*& e : a) // Reference so you can modify a.
Then, you need to create 10 pointers:
e = new int;
and those have to be pointers to the value 1 so we complete the statement
*e = 1;
or shorter
e = new int (1);
When cleaning up, you'd have a similar loop:
for (int& e : a) {
delete e;
e = nullptr;
It's an array of int*
, so of course you can't iterate over it using a variable of type int
, that isn't the type of object in the array!
它是一个int *数组,所以你当然不能使用int类型的变量迭代它,这不是数组中对象的类型!
The objects in the array are int*
so that's what your loop variable needs to be.
数组中的对象是int *,这就是你的循环变量需要的东西。
for (int* e : a) ...
for (int*& e : a) ...
Or simply:
for (auto& e : a) ...