
时间:2020-12-27 22:46:18

When I write code like this in VS 2008:

当我在VS 2008中编写这样的代码时:

struct Patterns {
        string ptCreate;
        string ptDelete;
        string ptDrop;
        string ptUpdate;
        string ptInsert;
        string ptSelect;

class QueryValidate {
    string query;
    string pattern;
    static Patterns pts;
    friend class Query;
    QueryValidate(const string& qr, const string& ptn):
      query(qr), pattern(ptn) {}
    bool validate() {
        boost::regex rg(pattern);
        return boost::regex_match(query, rg);
    virtual ~QueryValidate() {}

I then initialize my structure like this:


string QueryValidate::pts::ptCreate = "something";
string QueryValidate::pts::ptDelete = "something";

The compiler gives the following errors:


'Patterns': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type 'ptSelect' : is not a member of 'QueryValidate'


What am I doing wrong? Is this a problem with Visual Studio or with my code? I know that static members except for const ones must be defined outside the class they were declared in.

我究竟做错了什么?这是Visual Studio或我的代码的问题吗?我知道除了const之外的静态成员必须在声明它们的类之外定义。

4 个解决方案



You're trying to create a non-static member (ptCreate) of a static member (pts). This won't work like this.


You got two options, either use a struct initializer list for the Patterns class.


Patterns QueryValidate::pts = {"CREATE", "DELETE"}; // etc. for every string

Or, much safer (and better in my opinion), provide a constructor in Patterns and call that one.


struct Patterns {
   Patterns() { /*...*/ }
   /* ... */

On a side not, your code wouldn't work in any C++ compiler, it's not a conflict with Visual Studio things.

不是这样,你的代码在任何C ++编译器中都不起作用,它与Visual Studio的东西没有冲突。



You can only initialize the structure as a whole, as in:


Patterns QueryValidate::pts = { "something", "something", ... };



This isn't valid C++. In the cpp file you're declaring parts of the static structure "QueryValidate::pts", but that's not allowed: you've got to declare the whole structure, like so:

这不是有效的C ++。在cpp文件中,您声明了静态结构“QueryValidate :: pts”的一部分,但这是不允许的:您必须声明整个结构,如下所示:

Patterns QueryValidate::pts;

if you want members to be initialized, you either initialize them in another method, or add a constructor to Patterns that takes whatever initialization arguments you want.




I'm not real sure what you are trying to do here. It looks kind of like you are trying to declare and initialize each field in pts separately, rather than declare pts once as a single object. I'm really surprised VS lets you do that.


What worked for me in gcc was the following:


Patterns QueryValidate::pts;

void foo () {
    QueryValidate::pts.ptCreate = "something";
    QueryValidate::pts.ptDelete = "something";



You're trying to create a non-static member (ptCreate) of a static member (pts). This won't work like this.


You got two options, either use a struct initializer list for the Patterns class.


Patterns QueryValidate::pts = {"CREATE", "DELETE"}; // etc. for every string

Or, much safer (and better in my opinion), provide a constructor in Patterns and call that one.


struct Patterns {
   Patterns() { /*...*/ }
   /* ... */

On a side not, your code wouldn't work in any C++ compiler, it's not a conflict with Visual Studio things.

不是这样,你的代码在任何C ++编译器中都不起作用,它与Visual Studio的东西没有冲突。



You can only initialize the structure as a whole, as in:


Patterns QueryValidate::pts = { "something", "something", ... };



This isn't valid C++. In the cpp file you're declaring parts of the static structure "QueryValidate::pts", but that's not allowed: you've got to declare the whole structure, like so:

这不是有效的C ++。在cpp文件中,您声明了静态结构“QueryValidate :: pts”的一部分,但这是不允许的:您必须声明整个结构,如下所示:

Patterns QueryValidate::pts;

if you want members to be initialized, you either initialize them in another method, or add a constructor to Patterns that takes whatever initialization arguments you want.




I'm not real sure what you are trying to do here. It looks kind of like you are trying to declare and initialize each field in pts separately, rather than declare pts once as a single object. I'm really surprised VS lets you do that.


What worked for me in gcc was the following:


Patterns QueryValidate::pts;

void foo () {
    QueryValidate::pts.ptCreate = "something";
    QueryValidate::pts.ptDelete = "something";