
时间:2018-03-17 12:30:38
更新时间:2018-03-17 12:30:38
Fortran 95 2003 英文版 The first edition of this book was conceived as a result of my experience writing and maintaining large Fortran programs in both the defense and geophysical fields. During my time in industry, it became obvious that the strategies and techniques re- quired to write large, maintainable Fortran programs were quite different from what new engineers were learning in their Fortran programming classes at school. The in- credible cost of maintaining and modifying large programs once they are placed into service absolutely demands that they be written to be easily understood and modified by people other than their original programmers. My goal for this book is to teach si- multaneously both the fundamentals of the Fortran language and a programming style that results in good, maintainable programs. In addition, it is intended to serve as a reference for graduates working in industry.
