
时间:2022-12-24 22:20:19




更新时间:2022-12-24 22:20:19


,,,,,编号 (NO.) QP-人-001,发行日期 (Issuing date) 2002/0/26, ,,,,,版本 (Edition) A版,生效日期 (Effective date) 2002/09/28, 文件及资料控制程序 Document and Data Control Procedure,,,,,修订 (Revision) 0次,页 次 (Page) 1/6页 (1 of 6 pages), ,,,,,,, 1.0 目的:为规范本厂文件资料的制定、发行、回收、归档等作业,特制定本程序。,,,,,,, " Purpose: To establish a procedure for control of document generation, distribution, withdrawal and filing.",,,,,,, 2.0 范围:本程序适用本厂所有质量体系相关文件、资料(含外来资料)的控制。,,,,,,, " Scope: The procedure is applicable to all documents, material(including outside material) relating to the quality system.",,,,,,, 3.0 职责 Responsibility,,,,,,, 3.1 相关部门:负责与部门作业有关文件的制订、修订及所使用文件的保管。,,,,,,, " Relevant Dept: responsible for the generation, revising and maintain of the documents of its own department.",,,,,,, 3.2 人力资源部:负责质量体系文件的发行、回收、保管及相关外来资料的收发和建档。,,,,,,, " Human resources department: responsible for the distribution, withdrawal and maintain of the quality system ",,,,,,, " document, responsible for the collection and filing of the outside material.",,,,,,, 3.3 工程部:负责对外来工程资料的收集和建档。,,,,,,, Engineering Dept: responsible for the collection and filing of outside engineering material.,,,,,,, 4.0 相关文件 Reference Document,,,,,,, 《质量记录控制程序》(QP-人-002) Quality Record Control Procedure,,,,,,, 5.0 定义 Definition,,,,,,, 5.1 质量体系文件:指工厂制定的质量手册、程序文件、作业指导书及相关的记录表单。,,,,,,, " Quality system document: refers to the quality manual, procedure document, working instructions and record",,,,,,, sheet.,,,,,,, 5.2 外来文件:指非本厂制定的工程资料、品质标准及与产品有关的法律、法规等。,,,,,,, " Outside material: those documents not made by the factory, such as engineering material, quality standard and ",,,,,,, the laws and regulations relative to the product.,,,,,,, 6.0 程序内容 Procedure content,,,,,,, 6.1 文件分类,本厂的文件及资料分为以下五类:,,,,,,, Our documents and materials are classified into the below five kinds:,,,,,,, A、质量手册,其文件类别代码为:QM ,,,,,,, " Quality manual, the code is: QM",,,,,,, B、程序文件,其文件类别代码为:QP,,,,,,, ," Procedure document, the code is :QP",,,,,, C、作业指导书,其文件类别代码为:WI,,,,,,, ," Working instruction, th
