
时间:2022-12-24 18:13:02
更新时间:2022-12-24 18:13:02
文档资料 摘要 当今计算机发展趋势,可以把它分为三维考虑。一维是是向"高"的方向。性能越来 越高,速度越来越快,主要表现在计算机的主频越来越高。而且计算机向高的方面发展 不仅是芯片频率的提高,而且是计算机整体性能的提高。另一个方向就是向"广"度方向 发展,计算机发展的趋势就是无处不在,以至于像"没有计算机一样"。近年来更明显的 趋势是网络化与向各个领域的渗透,即在广度上的发展开拓。未来,计算机也会像现在 的马达一样,存在于家中的各种电器中。那时问你家里有多少计算机,你也数不清。你 的笔记本,书籍都已电子化。包括未来的中小学教材,再过十几、二十几年,可能学生 们上课用的不再是教科书,而只是一个笔记本大小的计算机,所有的中小学的课程教材 ,辅导书,练习题都在里面。不同的学生可以根据自己的需要方便地从中查到想要的资 料。第三个方向是向"深"度方向发展,即向信息的智能化发展。 关键字: 硬件 配置 市场 发展趋势 Abstraction Development trends of today's computers, it can be divided into three- dimensional consideration. Yes yes to one-dimensional "high" direction. Increasingly high performance, faster, mainly in the frequency of computer is increasing. And the development of the computer to a high frequency is not only to improve the chip, but also improve the overall performance of the computer. Another direction is to "wide" direction of development, the trend of computer development is everywhere, so like "no computers like." In recent years, the trend is more obvious and network penetration in all areas, namely the development of pioneering in breadth. Future computers will be like now, like a motor, exist in a variety of home appliances. Then ask how much your home computer, you can not count. Your laptop, books are electronic. Including the future of school textbooks, another fifteen or twenty years, students may no longer be used in class textbook,And just a notebook-sized computer, course materials for all primary and secondary schools, and counseling books, exercises are inside. Different students can easily be found from the desired information according to their needs. The third direction is to the "deep" direction of development, namely the development of intelligent information. Keyword: hardware configuration market trends 目录 一、西安市计算机硬件市场调查报告 4 二、计算机主要配置 5 2.1 CPU 5 2.2 主板 6 2.3 内存 7 2.4 显卡 9 2.4.1集成显卡 9 2.4.2独立显卡 10 2.5 硬盘 11 三、当前计算机现状及未来展望 13 四、硬件市场未来发展趋势及实践心得 14 五、参考文献 15 硬件市场调查报告 一、西安市计算机硬件市场调查报告 调查目的:了解计算机硬件市场行情;了解大学生在购买组装计算机时,对计算机各部 件功能及整体功能的认知水平;了解商家对大学生市场的
