
时间:2023-03-19 04:46:56




更新时间:2023-03-19 04:46:56

crx 谷歌浏览器 浏览器插件 跨域 Chrome

此插件为跨域插件,打开后可跨域访问接口,旧版浏览器可直接拖到扩展程序中安装,新版浏览器需要将扩展名修改成rar并解压,然后点击“加载已解压的扩展程序”安装。 ======================插件概述谷歌译文====================== 轻松将(Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*)规则添加到响应标头。 允许CORS:通过Access-Control-Allow-Origin,您可以轻松地在Web应用程序中执行跨域Ajax请求。 只需激活插件并执行请求。默认情况下(在JavaScript API中),CORS或跨源资源共享在现代浏览器中被阻止。安装此加载项将使您可以解除阻止此功能。请注意,将插件添加到浏览器后,默认情况下它处于非活动状态(工具栏图标为灰色C字母)。如果要激活加载项,请按一次工具栏图标。图标将变为橙色的C字母。 ======================插件概述谷歌译文====================== ========================插件概述原文======================== Easily add (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) rule to the response header. Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin lets you easily perform cross-domain Ajax requests in web applications. Simply activate the add-on and perform the request. CORS or Cross Origin Resource Sharing is blocked in modern browsers by default (in JavaScript APIs). Installing this add-on will allow you to unblock this feature. Please note that, when the add-on is added to your browser, it is in-active by default (toolbar icon is grey C letter). If you want to activate the add-on, please press on the toolbar icon once. The icon will turn to orange C letter. ========================插件概述原文========================
