文件名称:CCS 2012论文集(part2)_ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
更新时间:2015-11-29 13:47:50
CCS 网络安全
Practical Yet Universally Composable Two-Server Password-Authenticated Secret Sharing.pdf
Salus: A System for Server-Aided Secure Function Evaluation..pdf
Priceless:The Role of Payments in Abuse-advertised Goods.pdf
Operating System Framed in Case of Mistaken Identity.pdf
Privacy-Aware Personalization for Mobile Advertising.pdf
Vigilare Toward Snoop-based Kernel Integrity Monitor.pdf
StegoTorus:A Camouflage Proxy for the Tor Anonymity System.pdf
Provable Security of S-BGP and other Path Vector Protocols: Model, Analysis and Extensions..pdf
Why Eve and Mallory Love Android:An Analysis of Android SSL(In) Security.pdf
Populated IP Addresses — Classification and Applications.pdf
SABOT: specification-based payload generation for programmable logic controllers.pdf
Routing Around Decoys.pdf
Secure Two-Party Computations in ANSI C.pdf
The Devil is in the (Implementation) Details: An Empirical Analysis of OAuth SSO Systems..pdf
Verified Security of Redundancy-Free Encryption from Rabin and RSA..pdf
TreeDroid: A Tree Automaton Based Approach to Enforcing Data Processing Policies..pdf
Vanity, Cracks and Malware.pdf
PScout: Analyzing the Android Permission Specification.pdf
Towards a Bayesian Network Game Framework for Evaluating DDoS Attacks and Defense..pdf
Using Probabilistic Generative Models for Ranking Risks of Android Apps.pdf
PrivateFS:A Parallel Oblivious File System.pdf
Strengthening user authentication through opportunistic cryptographic identity assertions.pdf
Revoke and Let Live: A Secure Key Revocation API for Cryptographic Devices..pdf
Resource-Freeing Attacks: Improve Your Cloud Performance (at Your Neighbor's Expense).pdf
SkypeMorph:Protocol Obfuscation for Tor Bridges.pdf
PERM: Practical Reputation-Based Blacklisting without TTPs..pdf
Single Round Access Privacy on Outsourced Storage..pdf
Secure Two-Party Computation in Sublinear (Amortized) Time..pdf
Precise Enforcement of Progress-Sensitive Security.pdf
Touching from a Distance: Website Fingerprinting Attacks and Defenses..pdf
Protecting Location Privacy: Optimal Strategy against Localization Attacks..pdf
You Are What You Include: Large-scale Evaluation of Remote JavaScript Inclusions..pdf
Self-service Cloud Computing..pdf
PeerPress: Utilizing Enemies' P2P Strength against Them..pdf
The Most Dangerous Code in the World:Validating SSl Certificates in Non-Browser Software.pdf
Scriptless Attacks..pdf
Publicly Verifiable Delegation of Large Polynomials and Matrix Computations, with Applications..pdf
On the Parameterized Complexity of the Workflow Satisfiability Problem.pdf
OTO:online trust oracle for user-centric trust establishment.pdf
Verifiable Data Streaming.pdf