文件名称:CCS 2012-ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2012年论文集
更新时间:2016-01-08 09:28:44
CCS 论文集 2012 ACM Security
(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://download.csdn.net/user/qysh123 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。请大家见谅。) 计算机及网络安全界的*会议,ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2012年的会议论文集。欢迎大家下载、学习。2012年CCS共收录包括Keynote address在内的21个session共计82篇论文。
CCS 2012
----Payments, votes & reputation()
--------Revoke and let live_ a secure key revocation api for cryptographic devices.pdf(695KB)
--------Measuring vote privacy, revisited.pdf(530KB)
--------Double-spending fast payments in bitcoin.pdf(708KB)
--------PERM_ practical reputation-based blacklisting without TTPS.pdf(857KB)
----Cloud security()
--------Self-service cloud computing.pdf(656KB)
--------Cross-VM side channels and their use to extract private keys.pdf(546KB)
--------Hourglass schemes_ how to prove that cloud files are encrypted.pdf(900KB)
--------Single round access privacy on outsourced storage.pdf(876KB)
--------Resource-freeing attacks_ improve your cloud performance (at your neighbor's expense).pdf(572KB)
----Infrastructure security & privacy()
--------GPS software attacks.pdf(3.03MB)
--------How secure are power network signature based time stamps.pdf(849KB)
--------Neighborhood watch_ security and privacy analysis of automatic meter reading systems.pdf(2.2MB)
--------Minimizing private data disclosures in the smart grid.pdf(578KB)
--------SABOT_ specification-based payload generation for programmable logic controllers.pdf(839KB)
----Keynote address()
--------On the foundations of trust in networks of humans and computers.pdf(364KB)
--------TreeDroid_ a tree automaton based approach to enforcing data processing policies.pdf(782KB)
--------Intransitive noninterference in nondeterministic systems.pdf(616KB)
--------Precise enforcement of progress-sensitive security.pdf(983KB)
--------On the parameterized complexity of the workflow satisfiability problem.pdf(533KB)
----Mobile security()
--------Using probabilistic generative models for ranking risks of Android apps.pdf(771KB)
--------New privacy issues in mobile telephony_ fix and verification.pdf(569KB)
--------CHEX_ statically vetting Android apps for component hijacking vulnerabilities.pdf(1.87MB)
--------Mobile data charging_ new attacks and countermeasures.pdf(810KB)
--------PScout_ analyzing the Android permission specification.pdf(683KB)
----Applied cryptography I()
--------Practical yet universally composable two-server password-authenticated secret sharing.pdf(671KB)
--------Publicly verifiable delegation of large polynomials and matrix computations, with applications.pdf(600KB)
--------Machine-generated algorithms, proofs and software for the batch verification of digital signature schemes.pdf(1.18MB)
--------Secure two-party computation in sublinear (amortized) time.pdf(450KB)
--------Full proof cryptography_ verifiable compilation of efficient zero-knowledge protocols.pdf(554KB)
----Software security()
--------Binary stirring_ self-randomizing instruction addresses of legacy x86 binary code.pdf(670KB)
--------Aligot_ cryptographic function identification in obfuscated binary programs.pdf(944KB)
--------Adaptive defenses for commodity software through virtual application partitioning.pdf(737KB)
--------Leveraging choice to automate authorization hook placement.pdf(853KB)
--------An historical examination of open source releases and their vulnerabilities.pdf(5.06MB)
----Intrusions & abuse()
--------Blacksheep_ detecting compromised hosts in homogeneous crowds.pdf(646KB)
--------Kargus_ a highly-scalable software-based intrusion detection system.pdf(962KB)
--------Innocent by association_ early recognition of legitimate users.pdf(767KB)
--------Populated IP addresses_ classification and applications.pdf(1.65MB)
--------Verified security of redundancy-free encryption from Rabin and RSA.pdf(509KB)
--------Computational verification of C protocol implementations by symbolic execution.pdf(816KB)
--------Computational soundness without protocol restrictions.pdf(523KB)
----Systems security()
--------Fides_ selectively hardening software application components against kernel-level or process-level malware.pdf(606KB)
--------A software-hardware architecture for self-protecting data.pdf(880KB)
--------Vigilare_ toward snoop-based kernel integrity monitor.pdf(952KB)
----Applied cryptography II()
--------Dynamic searchable symmetric encryption.pdf(527KB)
--------Verifiable data streaming.pdf(696KB)
--------PrivateFS_ a parallel oblivious file system.pdf(966KB)
----Transport layer security()
--------A cross-protocol attack on the TLS protocol.pdf(603KB)
--------The most dangerous code in the world_ validating SSL certificates in non-browser software.pdf(449KB)
--------Why eve and mallory love android_ an analysis of android SSL (in)security.pdf(1.22MB)
----Network Security()
--------PeerPress_ utilizing enemies' P2P strength against them.pdf(695KB)
--------Collaborative TCP sequence number inference attack_ how to crack sequence number under a second.pdf(1.01MB)
--------Towards a bayesian network game framework for evaluating DDoS attacks and defense.pdf(1.43MB)
--------Provable security of S-BGP and other path vector protocols_ model, analysis and extensions.pdf(749KB)
--------DCast_ sustaining collaboration in overlay multicast despite rational collusion.pdf(497KB)
--------Before we knew it_ an empirical study of zero-day attacks in the real world.pdf(1.32MB)
--------Manufacturing compromise_ the emergence of exploit-as-a-service.pdf(2.03MB)
--------Vanity, cracks and malware_ insights into the anti-copy protection ecosystem.pdf(1.18MB)
--------Priceless_ the role of payments in abuse-advertised goods.pdf(557KB)
----Anonymity & censorship()
--------Enhancing Tor's performance using real-time traffic classification.pdf(1.07MB)
--------Routing around decoys.pdf(1.05MB)
--------SkypeMorph_ protocol obfuscation for Tor bridges.pdf(1.07MB)
--------CensorSpoofer_ asymmetric communication using IP spoofing for censorship-resistant web browsing.pdf(736KB)
--------StegoTorus_ a camouflage proxy for the Tor anonymity system.pdf(620KB)
----Advertising security & privacy()
--------Privacy-aware personalization for mobile advertising.pdf(1.15MB)
--------Knowing your enemy_ understanding and detecting malicious web advertising.pdf(1024KB)
--------Non-tracking web analytics.pdf(578KB)
----Secure computation()
--------Secure two-party computations in ANSI C.pdf(546KB)
--------Foundations of garbled circuits.pdf(579KB)
--------Salus_ a system for server-aided secure function evaluation.pdf(536KB)
----Usability, authentication & trust()
--------The devil is in the (implementation) details_ an empirical analysis of OAuth SSO systems.pdf(1.11MB)
--------Strengthening user authentication through opportunistic cryptographic identity assertions.pdf(570KB)
--------Operating system framed in case of mistaken identity .pdf(1.72MB)
--------OTO_ online trust oracle for user-centric trust establishment.pdf(1.26MB)
----Web security()
--------You are what you include_ large-scale evaluation of remote javascript inclusions.pdf(1007KB)
--------Scriptless attacks_ stealing the pie without touching the sill.pdf(496KB)
--------FlowFox_ a web browser with flexible and precise information flow control.pdf(616KB)
--------Touching from a distance_ website fingerprinting attacks and defenses.pdf(762KB)
--------On significance of the least significant bits for differential privacy.pdf(528KB)
--------Differentially private sequential data publication via variable-length n-grams.pdf(750KB)
--------Protecting location privacy_ optimal strategy against localization attacks.pdf(475KB)
--------Deanonymizing mobility traces_ using social network as a side-channel.pdf(653KB)