IEEE TDSC 2012-IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2012

时间:2016-01-27 04:55:41
文件名称:IEEE TDSC 2012-IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2012
更新时间:2016-01-27 04:55:41
SCI IEEE 2012 TDSC 论文集 (我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问: 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。请大家见谅。) 计算机及网络安全、可信计算等研究领域*国际期刊——IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2012年的论文合集,IEEE TDSC是上述领域著名的国际期刊,其2012年共刊出70篇论文。
TDSC 2012
----Volume.9 Issue.2()
--------Compiler-Directed Soft Error Mitigation for Embedded Systems.pdf(3.15MB)
--------Detecting Spam Zombies by Monitoring Outgoing Messages.pdf(622KB)
--------Automatic Reconfiguration for Large-Scale Reliable Storage Systems.pdf(1MB)
--------Risk-Aware Mitigation for MANET Routing Attacks.pdf(642KB)
--------Survivability Experiment and Attack Characterization for RFID.pdf(1.85MB)
--------Stabilization Enabling Technology.pdf(875KB)
--------Quantitative Analysis of Consensus Algorithms.pdf(1.13MB)
--------On the Security and Efficiency of Content Distribution via Network Coding.pdf(433KB)
--------Security of Bertino-Shang-Wagstaff Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Management Scheme for Secure Broadcasting.pdf(70KB)
--------Persuasive Cued Click-Points_ Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Knowledge-Based Authentication Mechanism.pdf(913KB)
--------Design and Implementation of TARF_ A Trust-Aware Routing Framework for WSNs.pdf(1.66MB)
--------Data-Provenance Verification For Secure Hosts.pdf(495KB)
----Volume.9 Issue.3()
--------Enhanced Privacy ID_ A Direct Anonymous Attestation Scheme with Enhanced Revocation Capabilities.pdf(241KB)
--------Iterative Trust and Reputation Management Using Belief Propagation.pdf(1.25MB)
--------Detecting and Resolving Firewall Policy Anomalies.pdf(1.55MB)
--------Remote Attestation with Domain-Based Integrity Model and Policy Analysis.pdf(1.45MB)
--------A Taxonomy of Buffer Overflow Characteristics.pdf(353KB)
--------Mitigating Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Multiparty Applications in the Presence of Clock Drifts.pdf(565KB)
--------On the Security of a Ticket-Based Anonymity System with Traceability Property in Wireless Mesh Networks.pdf(95KB)
--------M-Score_ A Misuseability Weight Measure.pdf(2.34MB)
--------JS-Reduce_ Defending Your Data from Sequential Background Knowledge Attacks.pdf(2.05MB)
--------ES-MPICH2_ A Message Passing Interface with Enhanced Security.pdf(2.04MB)
--------Detecting Anomalous Insiders in Collaborative Information Systems.pdf(1.71MB)
----Volume.9 Issue.5()
--------An Interconnect Reliability-Driven Routing Technique for Electromigration Failure Avoidance.pdf(519KB)
--------Privacy-Preserving Enforcement of Spatially Aware RBAC.pdf(1.09MB)
--------Workflow Signatures for Business Process Compliance.pdf(402KB)
--------A Trapdoor Hash-Based Mechanism for Stream Authentication.pdf(684KB)
--------Access Control with Privacy Enhancements a Unified Approach.pdf(459KB)
--------Early Detection of Malicious Flux Networks via Large-Scale Passive DNS Traffic Analysis.pdf(906KB)
--------Query Profile Obfuscation by Means of Optimal Query Exchange between Users.pdf(1.57MB)
--------Pollution Attacks and Defenses in Wireless Interflow Network Coding Systems.pdf(1023KB)
--------Guest Editors' Introduction_ Special Section on Data and Applications Security and Privacy.pdf(77KB)
--------More Hybrid and Secure Protection of Statistical Data Sets.pdf(1.14MB)
--------A Hybrid Approach to Private Record Matching.pdf(873KB)
--------Constraint-Aware Role Mining via Extended Boolean Matrix Decomposition.pdf(3.97MB)
----Volume.9 Issue.1()
--------A Flexible Approach to Multisession Trust Negotiations.pdf(398KB)
--------Packet-Hiding Methods for Preventing Selective Jamming Attacks.pdf(721KB)
--------Dynamic Security Risk Management Using Bayesian Attack Graphs.pdf(2.07MB)
--------Extending Attack Graph-Based Security Metrics and Aggregating Their Application.pdf(571KB)
--------Conditional Diagnosability of Augmented Cubes under the PMC Model.pdf(1.37MB)
--------Low Energy Online Self-Test of Embedded Processors in Dependable WSN Nodes.pdf(926KB)
--------A Flexible Approach to Improving System Reliability with Virtual Lockstep.pdf(1.67MB)
--------Revisiting Defenses against Large-Scale Online Password Guessing Attacks.pdf(1.31MB)
--------A Stochastic Model of Multivirus Dynamics.pdf(1.54MB)
--------pCloud_ A Distributed System for Practical PIR.pdf(1006KB)
----Volume.9 Issue.6()
--------Secure Overlay Cloud Storage with Access Control and Assured Deletion.pdf(1.1MB)
--------Jamming-Resilient Multipath Routing.pdf(3.89MB)
--------Surviving Attacks in Challenged Networks.pdf(1.23MB)
--------Robust Network Covert Communications Based on TCP and Enumerative Combinatorics.pdf(3.74MB)
--------A Trust-Based Framework for Fault-Tolerant Data Aggregation in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks.pdf(1.2MB)
--------Empirical Analysis of System-Level Vulnerability Metrics through Actual Attacks.pdf(1.58MB)
--------Virus Propagation in Heterogeneous Bluetooth Networks with Human Behaviors.pdf(2.23MB)
--------Enhancing Data Trustworthiness via Assured Digital Signing.pdf(1.02MB)
--------On Energy Security of Server Systems.pdf(1.85MB)
--------Preserving Structural Properties in Edge-Perturbing Anonymization Techniques for Social Networks.pdf(833KB)
--------Detecting Automation of Twitter Accounts_ Are You a Human, Bot, or Cyborg.pdf(2.21MB)
--------Attacks and Defenses in the Data Plane of Networks.pdf(1.39MB)
----Volume.9 Issue.4()
--------DoubleGuard_ Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Web Applications.pdf(1.38MB)
--------Incentive Compatible Privacy-Preserving Distributed Classification.pdf(523KB)
--------On Privacy of Encrypted Speech Communications.pdf(1.25MB)
--------A Learning-Based Approach to Reactive Security.pdf(439KB)
--------ZoneTrust_ Fast Zone-Based Node Compromise Detection and Revocation in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing - 副本.pdf(1.05MB)
--------Enforcing Mandatory Access Control in Commodity OS to Disable Malware.pdf(2.87MB)
--------Large Margin Gaussian Mixture Models with Differential Privacy.pdf(194KB)
--------Automated Security Test Generation with Formal Threat Models.pdf(1MB)
--------Ensuring Distributed Accountability for Data Sharing in the Cloud.pdf(808KB)
--------Secure Failure Detection and Consensus in TrustedPals.pdf(1.23MB)
--------Give2Get_ Forwarding in Social Mobile Wireless Networks of Selfish Individuals.pdf(1.36MB)
--------Resilient Authenticated Execution of Critical Applications in Untrusted Environments.pdf(1.33MB)
--------Recommendation Models for Open Authorization.pdf(1.6MB)


  • 计算机网络方面好资料,谢谢
  • 比较全!支持!
  • 虽然不是很新,但毕竟是国际*会议!!!
  • 虽然现在看不是很新,但是有用的东西还是很多的!
  • 比较全!支持!
  • 非常感谢,顶尖会议论文。
  • 可信计算等研究领域*国际期刊,感谢分享
  • TDSC安全类*期刊,非常感谢
  • 难得有收集的这么全的版本,谢谢分享
  • 很全很不错