SP 2012-IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2012年论文集

时间:2015-08-11 06:33:02
文件名称:SP 2012-IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2012年论文集
更新时间:2015-08-11 06:33:02
IEEE SP Security Privacy 2012 (我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://qysh123.download.csdn.net/ 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。CSDN这套系统不敢恭维,也请大家见谅。) 计算机、网络安全界的*会议IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2012年论文集。关于该会议,可参看相关的介绍: Oakland:95分,全称IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy,每年都在Oakland召开。之所以不简称S&P,是为了跟一个magazine----IEEE Security & Privacy区分开来。被认为是计算机安全的最高会议,比ACM的CCS更受尊敬。该会自称接受一切与计算机安全的文章,但我感觉其以应用型为主,对理论性的文章尤其crypto-flavor的文章非常排斥。 值得一提的是,今年SP上还有一篇北大第一作者的文章:A Framework to Eliminate Backdoors from Response-Computable Authentication,另外有两篇清华非第一作者的署名文章:Secure and Scalable Fault Localization under Dynamic Traffic Patterns 以及 LAP: Lightweight Anonymity and Privacy。在此也恭喜相关老师和同学。 本届SP共收录40篇文章。欢迎大家下载、查看。
Abusing File Processing in Malware Detectors for Fun and Profit.pdf
Secure and Scalable Fault Localization under Dynamic Traffic Patterns.pdf
LAP_ Lightweight Anonymity and Privacy.pdf
Signing Me onto Your Accounts through Facebook and Google_ A Traffic-Guided Security Study of Commercially Deployed Single-Sign-On Web Services.pdf
Hummingbird_ Privacy at the Time of Twitter.pdf
Building Verifiable Trusted Path on Commodity x86 Computers.pdf
Safe Loading - A Foundation for Secure Execution of Untrusted Programs.pdf
Formalizing and Enforcing Purpose Restrictions in Privacy Policies.pdf
On the Feasibility of Internet-Scale Author Identification.pdf
ReDeBug_ Finding Unpatched Code Clones in Entire OS Distributions.pdf
The Psychology of Security for the Home Computer User.pdf
Distance Hijacking Attacks on Distance Bounding Protocols.pdf
Third-Party Web Tracking_ Policy and Technology.pdf
* Attacks on the Verifiability of E-Voting Systems.pdf
Sharing Mobile Code Securely with Information Flow Control.pdf
OB-PWS_ Obfuscation-Based Private Web Search.pdf
New Results for Timing-Based Attestation.pdf
User-Driven Access Control_ Rethinking Permission Granting in Modern Operating Systems.pdf
Prudent Practices for Designing Malware Experiments_ Status Quo and Outlook.pdf
ObliviAd_ Provably Secure and Practical Online Behavioral Advertising.pdf
Rozzle_ De-cloaking Internet Malware.pdf
Foundations of Logic-Based Trust Management.pdf
Detecting Hoaxes, Frauds, and Deception in Writing Style Online.pdf
Space Traveling across VM_ Automatically Bridging the Semantic Gap in Virtual Machine Introspection via Online Kernel Data Redirection.pdf
Don't Trust Satellite Phones_ A Security Analysis of Two Satphone Standards.pdf
Off-path TCP Sequence Number Inference Attack - How Firewall Middleboxes Reduce Security.pdf
The Quest to Replace Passwords_ A Framework for Comparative Evaluation of Web Authentication Schemes.pdf
Guess Again (and Again and Again)_ Measuring Password Strength by Simulating Password-Cracking Algorithms.pdf
EvilSeed_ A Guided Approach to Finding Malicious Web Pages.pdf
Flash Memory for Ubiquitous Hardware Security Functions_ True Random Number Generation and Device Fingerprints.pdf
Peek-a-Boo, I Still See You_ Why Efficient Traffic Analysis Countermeasures Fail.pdf
Dissecting Android Malware_ Characterization and Evolution.pdf
Smashing the Gadgets_ Hindering Return-Oriented Programming Using In-place Code Randomization.pdf
LASTor_ A Low-Latency AS-Aware Tor Client.pdf
A Framework to Eliminate Backdoors from Response-Computable Authentication.pdf
Unleashing Mayhem on Binary Code.pdf
Quid-Pro-Quo-tocols_ Strengthening Semi-honest Protocols with Dual Execution.pdf
The Science of Guessing_ Analyzing an Anonymized Corpus of 70 Million Passwords.pdf
Memento_ Learning Secrets from Process Footprints.pdf
ILR_ Where'd My Gadgets Go.pdf


  • 总结安全隐私方面的会议很全面。S&P
  • 非常好,非常棒
  • 非常感谢,省了很多时间!
  • 一直在找的会议论文,很感谢楼主
  • 非常好,非常棒
  • 非常全 谢谢
  • 感谢你的分享,我想问一下,这个论文在会议官网上有么?我怎么着了半天也没有找到?
  • 十分好的汇总,整合的非常好
  • 找了很久,非常好的汇集
  • 老师要,正好找到,都是高水平的文章,值得珍藏!
  • 很有帮助,谢谢
  • 很有用,安全领域的*会议一直都是我关注的对象!
  • 非常感谢,整理的如此全面,很有帮助。
  • 嗯嗯 很给力的论文 啊
  • 非常全,谢谢
  • 确实提供了很大的便利,不需要一篇一篇文章的去找,感谢。
  • 计算机、网络安全界的*会议,不可不要,感谢
  • 整理的很全面,很有用
  • 好东东, 收藏了,省了一个一个到网上google
  • *的论文集,多谢作者
  • 找了好久,还是没有楼主的全,很有用,谢谢!
  • 省了很多时间去下载论文,楼主是紧跟计算机发展的前沿啊。向你学习
  • 这个不顶,那我们还应该顶什么呢!?
  • 楼主对*会议的材料收集很全面,很难得。
  • 搞学术研究的,都需要这个