文件名称:Beginning Python Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1
更新时间:2013-03-30 03:41:41
Beginning Python Python2.6
Part I: Dipping Your Toe into Python 1 Chapter 1: Programming Basics and Strings 3 Chapter 2: Numbers and Operators 15 Chapter 3: Variables — Names for Values 31 Part II: Python Language and the Standard Library 49 Chapter 4: Making Decisions 51 Chapter 5: Functions 71 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects 93 Chapter 7: Organizing Programs 111 Chapter 8: Files and Directories 127 Chapter 9: Other Features of the Language 143 Chapter 10: Building a Module 157 Chapter 11: Text Processing 189 Part III: Putting Python to Work 205 Chapter 12: Testing 207 Chapter 13: Writing a GUI with Python 227 Chapter 14: Accessing Databases 239 Chapter 15: Using Python for XML 265 Chapter 16: Network Programming 287 Chapter 17: Extension Programming with C 337 Chapter 18: Numerical Programming 367 Chapter 19: An Introduction to Django 387 Chapter 20: Web Applications and Web Services 407 Chapter 21: Integrating Java with Python 481 Part IV: Appendices 513 Appendix A: Answers to the Exercises 515 Appendix B: Online Resources 549 Appendix C: What’s New in Python 3.1 553 Appendix D: Glossary 559 Index 569