Smashing jQuery.pdf

时间:2022-09-05 09:35:06

文件名称:Smashing jQuery.pdf



更新时间:2022-09-05 09:35:06

Smashing jQuery

jQuery has become a part of my everyday routine in Web design and development, so when Wiley approached me about writing a book on jQuery, I was thrilled. jQuery has opened up a world of possibility for Web design. Th rough this book, I hope to show others how using jQuery can really speed up your development time and allow you to write interactive compo- nents that you thought were impossible without serious programming knowledge. Th ink of this book as both an introduction and cookbook of jQuery examples with real-world solutions that you can use in your everyday working environment. Smashing jQuery is divided into four parts, which I detail here. PART 1: INTRODUCING JQUERY AND JAVASCRIPT Th e fi rst part of the book introduces you to jQuery from a beginner’s perspective by discuss- ing JavaScript libraries and how they have become an important part of every Web designer and developer’s daily toolbox. Th e benefi ts of using jQuery are explained in-depth, giving you a full understanding of why jQuery has become so popular. I also touch on the importance of using progressive enhancement. Aft er I lay the foundation for why you should be using jQuery, I dive right into how to get jQuery set up and ready to use on your Web site. PART 2: LEARNING THE JQUERY FUNDAMENTALS Th e second part of the book walks you step-by-step through all of the jQuery fundamentals such as using selectors and working with events and eff ects. Th e selectors in jQuery are extremely powerful, which is why I have dedicated an entire chapter to guiding you through all of the diff erent kinds of selectors, giving examples of their usage. Events and eff ects are also covered in Part 2, to give you a solid foundation for building your own Web site application and user interface components. PART 3: APPLYING JQUERY TO YOUR WEB SITE Th e third part of this book focuses on how you can apply the jQuery concepts I discuss earlier in the book to your Web site or application. (Part 2 off ers examples but not full tutorials such as how to create your own accordion menu or tabbed navigation.) Part 3 also covers using jQuery to improve form validation on your Web site. 03_9780470977231-intro.indd 1 12/16/10 11:00 PM 2 INTRODUCTION PART 4: EXPLORING ADVANCED JQUERY Th ere comes a point in every jQuery developer’s career when they want to move on to more advanced topics such as working with and creating plug-ins, writing jQuery to handle Ajax requests, or working with jQuery mobile apps. Part 4 delves into these advanced topics. Plus, I include a chapter that outlines all of the jQuery resources that are available online. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR Th is book was written for Web designers and front-end developers who are just starting out with jQuery. You may have installed and set up a plug-in, but your aren’t really familiar with how to write your own jQuery. Maybe you’ve heard the buzz online about jQuery and are looking for someone to show you how to use jQuery to improve your Web site. Readers should have a solid background in HTML and CSS and a basic understanding of JavaScript. ABOUT THIS BOOK Code and URLs in this book use a special font that looks like this: Code listings have been colorized similar to how IDEs and text editors use syntax coloring to help to distinguish between elements of the syntax, such as methods, properties, comments, and so on. New terms appear in an italic font. Text that you should type is in a bold font. All of the examples in the book are shown using the Firefox Web browser, but all examples are compat- ible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6+, Mozilla Firefox 2.0+, Apple Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+, and Google Chrome. Th e code presented in the book’s examples is available for download at
