更新时间:2024-05-12 13:35:59
VMware业务连续性解决方案 VMware虚拟架构在业务连续性中的作用 VMware VI3本身是提供服务器虚拟化平台的,不是灾备软件,不能用于远程数据复制 虚拟架构极大程度上降低了灾备实现的复杂性,使其更具有可操作性,可以满足更高级别的灾备要求,如应用级乃至业务级的灾备 虚拟架构的文件封装特性使得对系统应用环境的复制就像是对待数据一样简单 虚拟架构下,灾备系统可以复用,充分利用现有投资 要想实现完整的灾备项目,仍需其他相关厂商的配合、如存储、系统、应用等,特别是负责数据传输复制的厂商 业务连续性 减少计划内及计划外宕机时间 简化灾难恢复 Let’s recap what are the most popular use cases for virtualization: Infrastructure & Capacity Optimization (aka Server Consolidation) was the original use case for virtualization, and remains one of the biggest drivers for adoption. Deploying multiple workloads on the same server means that companies can do more with less – less servers, less storage, less networking cables, less space in the datacenter, less power and cooling. This use case is applicable to the overwhelming majority of servers in the datacenter. But increasingly companies find that virtualization represents a new way of thinking about business continuity in all its forms – ensuring high availability of critical applications as well as planning for a disaster or recovering from a disaster. A new, and very exciting extension of virtualization beyond the datacenter is what we call Virtual Desktop Infrastructure – the capability to host end user desktops in the datacenter, and expose them to end users through a thin terminal. This allows companies to drastically decrease the cost of end-user desktops, and apply the same rigorous security and data protection available in the datacenter to end-user desktops. Virtualization offers a lot of flexibility to manage software lifecycle – from development, testing, QA, staging to production. These processes typically entail creating and maintaining multiple environment which now can be co-located on the same system. VMware offers capabilities to create libraries of these environments, and instantiate them as needed. Let’s illustrate these use cases with some customer examples