
时间:2021-04-22 19:49:40
更新时间:2021-04-22 19:49:40
云架构 实现云的两种方式 一站式云交付: 组合及部署 优化和协调服务供应链 改变游戏规则,快速实现新服务 革命 基于PaaS平台 提供灵活开发 和/或 实现云的两种方式 利用现有架构扩展实现异构管理,实现云服务的交付和使用 演变 管理虚拟化 自动化供应 自助服务 资源计量 安全、保障、支持 Cloud computing is not a silver bullet and there are multiple ways to leverage the benefits of cloud computing. There is an evolutionary path where you go along the virtualisation maturity curve, this is sensible and you can take measured steps. take stock of the outcomes and then reinvest. But there is also the revolutionary path using applogic where you can build a full application environment in 30mins. In a recent white paper, Forrester analyst James Staten recommended that organizations pursue these two paths to cloud computing simultaneously – that they both look at incremental improvements they can make to data centers in order to ultimately evolve them into true private clouds – and also begin right away with a pilot cloud project leveraging more revolutionary technology.
