AutoUpgrader.Pro.v4.6.4 自動更新元件

时间:2015-09-17 03:10:18
文件名称:AutoUpgrader.Pro.v4.6.4 自動更新元件
更新时间:2015-09-17 03:10:18
Delphi 元件 2. Installation ---------------------------------------------------- to Borland Developer Studio 2006 ================================ 1. Create "..\Lib\AutoUpgraderPro" directory. 2. Unzip files and copy them to "BDS\Lib\AutoUpgraderPro". 3. Start Borland Developer Studio 2006 IDE (do not start C++ Builder, even if you want to install it only for BCB 2006. AutoUpgrader should be installed for entire BDS 2006 anyway). 4. Open "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006.bdsproj" file. 5. Install package to the components palette (right-click on "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006.bpl" node in the Project Manager and select "Install" menu item). * In case if you decided to use the package only in C++ Builder Personallity of BDS 2006, you can do following steps instead of previously described steps 3, 4 and 5: 3. Start C++ Builder 2006 IDE. 4. Open "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006CBuilder.bdsproj" file. 5. Install package to the components palette (right-click on "AutoUpgraderProBDS2006CBuilder.bpl" node in the Project Manager and select "Install" menu item). to Delphi 2 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi2" directory to your "Delphi 2\Lib" directory. 2. Start Delphi 2 IDE. 3. Select "Component \ Install..." menu item. 4. Press "Add" button and select "_AUReg.pas" file. 5. Rebuild library. to Delphi 3 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi3" directory and copy them to "Delphi 3\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 3 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD3.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 4 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi4" directory and copy them to "Delphi 4\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 4 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD4.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 5 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi5" directory and copy them to "Delphi 5\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 5 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD5.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 6 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi6" directory and copy them to "Delphi 6\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 6 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD6.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 7 =========== 1. Unzip files from "Delphi7" directory and copy them to "Delphi 7\Lib". 2. Start Delphi 7 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProD7.dpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to Delphi 2005 ============== 1. Create "..\Lib\AutoUpgraderPro" directory. 2. Unzip files and copy them to "BDS\3.0\Lib\AutoUpgraderPro". 3. Start Delphi 2005 IDE. 4. Open "AutoUpgraderProD2005.dpk" file. 5. Install package to the components palette (right-click on "AutoUpgraderProD2005.bpl" node in the Project Manager and select "Install" menu item). to C++ Builder 3 ================ 1. Unzip files from "BCB3" directory and copy them to "CBuilder3\Lib". 2. Start C++ Builder 3 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProCB3.bpk" file. 6. Select "Project \ Make AutoUpgraderProCB3" menu item. 7. Select "Component \ InstallPackages" menu item. 8. Press "Add" button and select "AutoUpgraderProCB3.bpl" file. to C++ Builder 4 ================ 1. Unzip files from "BCB4" directory and copy them to "CBuilder4\Lib". 2. Start C++ Builder 4 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProCB4.bpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to C++ Builder 5 ================ 1. Unzip files from "BCB5" directory and copy them to "CBuilder5\Lib". 2. Start C++ Builder 5 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProCB5.bpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). to C++ Builder 6 ================ 1. Unzip files from "BCB6" directory and copy them to "CBuilder6\Lib". 2. Start C++ Builder 6 IDE. 3. Open "AutoUpgraderProCB6.bpk" file. 4. Install package to the components palette ("Install" button). Note for C++ Builder developers =============================== When you are using the Internet components (i.e: auHTTP, auAutoUpgrader) don't forget to add INET.LIB (WININET.LIB for BCB6) to your project (it can be found at "CBuilder\Lib" directory). This file contains the references to routines from WinInet.dll. So if you got linker error such like following: [Linker Error] Unresolved external 'InternetCrackUrlA' referenced from C:\PROGRAM FILES\BORLAND\CBUILDER5\PROJECTS\LIB\AUTOUPGRADERPROCB5.LIB please don't worry and be aware that InternetCrackUrlA are used to parse the URL (split URL to domain name, port, document name etc). To solve this problem, just add INET.LIB to your project (use "Project | Add to project" menu item in C++ Builder IDE).


  • 亲自测试了一下,非常好用的啊!如果更新的界面没有什么特别要求的话!直接用这个也是不错的! 感谢一下分享的人
  • 我下载后用于dc6觉得还可以,但是由于win7后的系统的安全限制,导致自动更新不能实现
  • D7 测试可以编译安装, XE10.1环境下无法使用!有会修改的吗?
  • 很好,可用,不过已经很久不用这个开发了。
  • 不错,试过,可以用,谢谢
  • 一直使用,非常好,谢谢分享
  • 能够使用,很好
  • 这个不能用,无法下载更新
  • 很实用,加入工程也很简便,好用
  • delphi7测试成功,可以用的。谢谢!
  • delphi7测试成功,绝对可以用,好评
  • 能够使用,很好
  • 很好,好用
  • 已经在D7上安装。可能满足简单的要求,
  • 能够安装,正在研究中,希望能用。
  • 还是不太会用。。
  • 已安装,但还没有实际应用!看评价应该还不错!
  • 只有dcu,无源码.建议下4.1.1有完整源码.
  • 非常好用的插件,已经实现自动更新
  • 不知咋的,安装不成功
  • 可以用,但过了很久没有来评价了!
  • 可惜没有delphi 2007
  • 很好,很强大!
  • 测试过了,好用!
  • 非常好用的插件,已经实现自动更新
  • 资源不错,应该说挺有用的,但是有个缺点,就是只能更新同个目录下得文件,不能更新别的目录里的
  • 不错,很好用,谢谢
  • 很不错,简单好用
  • 安装成功,正在试用中
  • 真的好用,完整,可靠,已经投用