Riley method

时间:2013-06-25 03:22:25
文件名称:Riley method
更新时间:2013-06-25 03:22:25
Riley Function for solving system of linear equations %% Ax = b, using the Riley Algorithm. %% %% function usage : %% [x,count] = Riley(A,b,mu,MaxErr,Iters) ; %% %% Input : %% A = Square matrix of size (N x N). %% b = RHS vector of size (N x 1). %% mu = Ridge parameter. Scalar. %% MaxErr = Relative error tolerance. %% Iters = Upper limit on the number of iterations %% to be performed. %% %% Output : %% x = Solution vector of size (N x 1). %% %% Version 2a. June 9, 2008. %% Original code : Mokhasi and Fasshauer.
