
时间:2024-05-12 13:47:09




更新时间:2024-05-12 13:47:09

lsf training

作业提交:blast作业 test@node69:~/mpiblast-test> bsub -W 360 -n 32 -q QN_Norm -a openmpi mpirun.lsf ./blast.sh Job <819> is submitted to queue . 参数说明: -a openmpi 指定用openmpi运算 -W 360 运行360分钟 - n 32 需要32个CPU -mpirun.lsf, 使用openmpi时的关键字 -q QN_Norm 指定QN_Norm队列 隐藏参数:output.%J, 标准输出文件(包括相关错误提示) All user commands support: -h print command usage to standard error -V print LSF version number to standard error In General: The btop and bbot commands should only be allowed for the LSF Administrators. Avoid running bhist on the LSF master for large searches as bhist can be an “expensive” command in regards to how much memory and cpu can be taken up. The bswitch command is very useful in redirecting large numbers of jobs to an alternate queue.
