更新时间:2017-09-04 04:35:57
lsf training
how to use the HPC test@node69:~> bjobs -aw JOBID USER STAT QUEUE FROM_HOST EXEC_HOST JOB_NAME SUBMIT_TIME 818 test RUN QS_Norm node69 4*node10 mpirun.lsf /public/software/dock6-openmpi/bin/dock6.mpi -i test.in -o test.out Dec 21 19:29 115 test DONE lost_and_found node70 node1 sleep 1000 Dec 19 16:31 116 test DONE lost_and_found node70 node62 sleep 100 Dec 19 17:07 117 test DONE lost_and_found node70 node62 sleep 100 Dec 19 17:07 119 test DONE lost_and_found node70 node61 sleep 100 Dec 19 17:07 118 test DONE lost_and_found node70 node69 sleep 100 Dec 19 17:07 120 test DONE lost_and_found node70 node70 sleep 100 Dec 19 17:07 -