
时间:2021-04-22 19:48:53
更新时间:2021-04-22 19:48:53
虚拟化架构 机房容量需求分析 * 基于IT设备的规划 设计思路:由机柜到机房 机房容量:由机柜容量决定 配电( KVA ) 制冷( KW ) 空间( RU/Rack ) 重量( Kg ) IT设备负荷数据 机柜容量分析 机房容量分析 机房设计规划 Tier I: Basic Site Infrastructure (N; single path) Non-redundant capacity components; single non-redundant path distribution serving the site’s IT Any capacity component or distribution path failure will impact the IT Planned work will require most or all of the systems to be shut down, impacting the IT Site is susceptible to disruption from both planned and unplanned activities Site infrastructure must be shutdown on an annual basis to safely perform necessary preventative maintenance and repair work Operation errors or spontaneous failures of site infrastructure components will cause a data center disruption Tier II: Redundant Capacity Components (N+1; single path) Redundant capacity components Single non-redundant distribution paths serving the site’s IT A capacity component failure may impact IT A distribution path failure will cause the IT to shut down Site is susceptible to disruption from both planned and unplanned activities Redundant UPS modules and engine generators are required Site infrastructure must be shutdown to safely perform necessary preventative maintenance and repair work Operation errors or spontaneous failures of site infrastructure components may cause a data center disruption Tier III: Concurrent Maintainability (N+1; active/passive paths) Redundant capacity components Multiple independent distribution paths All IT is dual powered Each and every capacity component can be removed from service on a planned basis without impact to IT An unplanned failure or outage of a capacity system will impact IT An unplanned failure or outage of any capacity or distribution component may impact IT Sufficient permanent capacity to allow for servicing of redundant components Site is susceptible to disruption from unplanned activities Planned site maintenance can be performed by using redundant capacity and distribution components During maintenance, risk of disruption may be elevated Tier IV: Fault Tolerant (N+1 minimum; active/active paths) Redundant capacity components and multiple independent distribution paths simultaneously serving the site’s IT All IT is dual powered Each and every capacity component must be able to be removed from service on a planned basis without impact to IT Complementary systems and distribution paths must be physically separated (compartmentalized) to prevent any single event from impacting both systems or paths simultaneously The site is not susceptible to disruption from a single unplanned worst-case event The site is not susceptible to disruption from any planned work activities Site infrastructure maintenance can be performed by using the redundant capacity components and distribution paths to safely work on remaining equipment During maintenance activities, the risk of disruption may be elevated Operation of the fire alarm, fire suppression, or EPO feature may cause a data center disruption
