更新时间:2024-05-12 13:35:51
服务器虚拟化的两个方向 一变多 将一台服务器虚拟化成更多的虚拟机 大机的虚拟化:IBM的LPAR UNIX服务器: IBM的LPAR HP的nPAR,vPAR Sun的Domain、Container Intel架构服务器: VMware的VI3 多变一 将多台服务器虚拟化成一台虚拟机 网格计算(Net Grid) 高性能运算(HPC) Slide Purpose: To introduce TCO as a framework for understanding the true cost of hardware Key Points: To analyze whether virtualization can help reduce costs, need to understand what true costs of environment without virtualization are Total cost of ownership (TCO) provides a framework for understanding the cost of server environment TCO attempts to provide a more complete picture of all costs associated with servers, not just purchase cost One component is costs associated with server acquisition including cost of hardware, software, training, implementation, etc. Also includes ongoing costs associated with servers such as management, operations (power, cooling, etc.), maintenance, support (support contracts and internal staffing for support)