霍坎森,JE (1983)。 介绍治疗过程。 马萨诸塞州雷丁市:Addison Wesley,344 页,[美元]19.95

时间:2021-06-29 16:59:27
文件名称:霍坎森,JE (1983)。 介绍治疗过程。 马萨诸塞州雷丁市:Addison Wesley,344 页,[美元]19.95
更新时间:2021-06-29 16:59:27
学术 论文 Hokanson, J. E. (1983). Introduction to the therapeutic process. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 344 pp., [dollar]19.95 Book Re views 36 1 HOKANSON, J. E. (1983). Introduction to the therapeutic process. Reading, MA: Ad- dison Wesley, 344 pp., $19.95. This introductory textbook outlines theoretical and practical considerations for con- ducting psychotherapy. There are four parts, including theoretical and professional issues, the intake process and clinical decisions, treatment techniques,
