Bromley, Dennis, B. 普通语言中的人格描述。 纽约:Wiley,1977 年,278 页,[美元]22.00

时间:2024-07-19 13:22:32

文件名称:Bromley, Dennis, B. 普通语言中的人格描述。 纽约:Wiley,1977 年,278 页,[美元]22.00



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:22:32

学术 论文

Bromley, Dennis, B. Personality Description in Ordinary Language. New York: Wiley, 1977, 278 pp., [dollar]22.00 376 Psychology in the Schools, July, 1981, Vol. 18, No. 3. was a more careful assessment of children and frequently some genuine group decision making. The author says that the enactment of Chapter 766 also expanded the range of op- tions and led to some redesign of special education programs. While he notes some of these changes, it would have been helpful to have them discus
