
时间:2022-05-10 12:55:41
更新时间:2022-05-10 12:55:41
EMC技术汇 古老的标准,有新问题。在 里,有下面这段: On additional terminals of appliances as well as on load and additional terminals of regulating controls incorporating semiconductor devices the relaxed limits given for "additional terminals" in columns 4 and 5 apply.…… No terminal voltage limits apply for leads, which are not easily extensible by the user (permanently connected, or provided with a specific connector), which are shorter than 2 m, and which connect the equipment with an auxiliary apparatus or device, (e.g. semiconductor speed controls, power plugs with AC-DC converters). 可以这样理解,在 lead between the appliance and the auxiliary apparatus is permanently fixed at both ends and shorter than 2 m, or lead between the appliance and the auxiliary apparatus is permanently fixed at both ends and it has a shielding whose ends are connected to the metal housing of the appliance and that of the auxiliary apparatus 的两种情况下,可以不做负 载端。所以,三个条件不完全是 and 的关系,而是部分 and,也就是说至少短于 2m 不是不做负 载端传导骚扰电压测试的必要条件。长于 2m,但有金属屏蔽可以不做,这个要跟空调厂家说清 楚。 另外,接着上面还有一段
