文件名称:BDE SQL Express Tools v1.0.2
更新时间:2009-02-02 03:38:15
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Ver 1.0.2 - 15/Dec/2005- Code generator added- Select a table then able to generate SQL select/insert/delete/update statement- Quick create FieldByName assignment code----------Ver 1.0.1 - 14/Dec/2005- Data for card view added- Data/Column/Table Information able to print now- Able to load/save your script now- Some minor bugs fixedComponents used:-DevExpress QuantumGrid v5.9-DevExpress ExpressBar v5.51-DevExpress NavBar v1.4.6-DevExpress Printing System 3.0-Dream Designer----------BDE SQL Express Tools v1.0.0Date : 13/Dec/2005Features:-SQL Editor through BDE.-SQL syntax highlighter-Multiple windows for SQL Editor-Increamental search in any grids-Data/Column information able to export to Excel, HTML, XML, and text file format-Able to retrive column information from your SQLComponents used:-DevExpress QuantumGrid v5.9-DevExpress ExpressBar v5.51-DevExpress NavBar v1.4.6-Dream Designer----------From userid in 2ccc.com : kennynjcEmail : kenny_njc@hotmail.com