Tutor and tutee characteristics as predictors of tutorial outcomes

时间:2024-07-19 13:38:59

文件名称:Tutor and tutee characteristics as predictors of tutorial outcomes



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:38:59

学术 论文

Tutor and tutee characteristics as predictors of tutorial outcomes TUTOR AND TUTEE CHARACTERISTICS AS PREDICTOItS OF TUTORIAL OUTCOMES STEWART W. EHLY AND S T E P H E N C. LARSEN Uttiuersity of Texas at Austiii A peer tutoring program i n spelling was developed to investigate the effects of several tutor and tutee characteristics on t,rrtorial outconies, amount o f learning and learning efficiency. Exarninn(ion of the data reveals that only the tutee’s pretutorial spelling score w
