Rate of conceptual development among deaf preschool and primary children as compared to a matched group of nonhearing impaired children

时间:2021-06-29 18:59:04
文件名称:Rate of conceptual development among deaf preschool and primary children as compared to a matched group of nonhearing impaired children
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:59:04
学术 论文 Rate of conceptual development among deaf preschool and primary children as compared to a matched group of nonhearing impaired children Psychology in rhe Schools Volume 23, January 1986 RATE OF CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT AMONG DEAF PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY CHILDREN AS COMPARED TO A MATCHED GROUP OF NONHEARING IMPAIRED CHILDREN’ BRUCE A. BRACKEN AND LINDA A. CAT0 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Seventeen deaf children and a matched group of 17 nonhearing impaired children were assessed t
