Teachers' perceptions of behavior problems in children from intact, single-parent, and stepparent families

时间:2024-07-19 14:41:45

文件名称:Teachers' perceptions of behavior problems in children from intact, single-parent, and stepparent families



更新时间:2024-07-19 14:41:45

学术 论文

Teachers' perceptions of behavior problems in children from intact, single-parent, and stepparent families Pr,cholugv in the Schoolr IY80. 17. 264-269 TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS O F BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN FROM INTACT, SINGLE-PARENT, AND STEPPARENT FAMILIES JOHN TOULIATOS BYRON W. LINDHOLM Texas Christian University Auburn University This study examined differences in the incidence of behavior problems between children living with both natural parents and those in single-parent or
