文件名称:strace for windows
更新时间:2018-11-01 08:25:07
STRACENT strace 源码
StraceNT -------- This program is a Linux strace clone for Windows. It uses IAT patching and provides an efficient way to monitor API calls made by various DLLs. Compile ------- - Use Visual Studio 2013 to compile the software. - First download IHULIB library from: https://github.com/intellectualheaven/ihulib/releases/download/v1.1/ihulib_v_1_1.zip - Extract this to stracent/extrn/ihulib (preserve folder paths) - You should have files like ihulib/bin/x64/Debug/ihulib.lib etc. - Open stracent.sln in make folder and build. Install ------- - Download the zip file from github release tab and extract it to any folder. - There is no special installation required. You can run stracent or straceui from the extracted location. Notes ----- Please read info.txt for more details about this program, usage and limitations etc.