Windmiller, M.、Lambert, N. 和 Turiel, E.(编辑)。 道德发展和社会化。 波士顿:Allyn & Bacon,1980 年,264 页,[美元]19.95

时间:2024-07-19 11:38:56

文件名称:Windmiller, M.、Lambert, N. 和 Turiel, E.(编辑)。 道德发展和社会化。 波士顿:Allyn & Bacon,1980 年,264 页,[美元]19.95



更新时间:2024-07-19 11:38:56

学术 论文

Windmiller, M., Lambert, N., & Turiel, E. (Eds.). Moral Development and Socialization. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1980, 264 pp., [dollar]19.95 256 Book Reviews WINDMILLER, M., LAMBERT, N., & TURIEL, E. (Eds.). Moral Development and Socialization. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1980, 264 pp., $19.95. Moral development is a difficult concept to define operationally because of strong sociopolitical and cultural influences. The contributing authors of this book indicate that the three most prominent th
