Clinical judgment vs. the computer: Can the school psychologist be replaced by a machine?

时间:2021-06-29 21:41:14
文件名称:Clinical judgment vs. the computer: Can the school psychologist be replaced by a machine?
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:41:14
学术 论文 Clinical judgment vs. the computer: Can the school psychologist be replaced by a machine? Psychology in the Schools 1981. 18. 356-363 CLINICAL JUDGMENT VS. THE COMPUTER: CAN THE SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST BE REPLACED BY A MACHINE? J . R. ALTEMOSE AND K. B. WILLIAMSON Lamar University Can the school psychologist be replaced by a computer? The role of the computer in administering, scoring, and interpreting psychoeducational tests is examined. Both the intelligent computer model and the com
